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~StarCrystal~'s Journal

A gUy OuT tHeRe WaS mEaNt To Be ThE LoVe Of YoUr LiFe, YoUr BeSt FrIeNd, YoUr SoUl MaTe. ThE oNe YoU cAn TeLl YoUr DrEaMs To. WhEnEvEr He sMiLeS aT yOu, He'Ll BrUsH tHe HaIr FrOm YoUr EyEs. He'Ll SeNd YoU fLoWeRs WhEn YoU lEaSt ExPeCt It. He'Ll StArE aT yOu DuRiNg ThE mOvIe, EvEn ThOuGh He PaId $6 To SeE iT. YoU'lL PuT hIs PiCtUrE bEsIdE yOuR bEd. He'Ll CaLl JuSt To SaY gOoDnIgHt Or JuSt BeCaUsE hE's ThInKiNg Of YoU. He'Ll LoOk YoU iN tHe EyEs AnD tElL yOu, YoU'rE tHe MoSt BeAuTiFuL
gIrL iN tHe WoRlD, AnD fOr ThE vErY FiRsT TiMe, YoU'lL BeLiEvE iT!

So you want a <3heart<3? You don't kno how l.u.c.k.y you are n-o-t to have one. Hearts will neva be [p][r][a][c][t][i][c][a][l] until they are made u-n b/r/e/a/k/a/b/l/e



It is so cold here in Billerica!!