
|Alex .|Young.|May 11th|5'5|JFKHS..|Bitches and Homies|Norte.X4|
-Waaass Hanninnn
-Reppin Thaa Baayy .510::
-iSmoke, iPop, iDrank .
-Bitches get Slapped Like iPods
-No'Body Tieing Me Down.
-Cash Moneyy Over Anything
- keep iht litt and a 100!

my wifee vv
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hometown vv
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y0u call y0ur self a player cause you played a few.y0u didnt seem to realize it was me playing y0u. its true y0u were g0od at y0ur game and came 0ut a winner, but c0mpared t0 me y0ur just a begginer theres still l0ts t0 learn and y0u ant s**t YET!!!if y0u d0nt give a ********. then why y0u s0 upset? alth0ugh you tried t0 play me, didnt end up y0ur way, cause y0ur 0n y0ur knees begging me t0 stay.h0w d0es it feel t0 L0SE?h0w d0es it feel t0 be a FAILURE???h0w d0es it feel t0 be played by a 0.g.