
Name: Ayame Niji
Meaning: Rainbow Iris
Identity: Sailor Chariklo
Myth Name: Chariklo, Iris
Element: Light
Age: 16 Birthday: July 27
Zodiac Sign: Leo
Blood type: Height: 5'3"
Hair colour: White Eye colour: Maroon
Introduction: ā€œIā€™m unifying the New and Old World, Sailor Chariklo!ā€
Animal: Deer
Colours: White, red, blue, yellow
Likes: Art, gymnastics, sketching, shopping, friends, colour, children, lolita clothing
Dislikes: Shrimp, math, friends being hurt, unnecessary violence
Strength: Optimism Weakness: Loneliness
Love interest: Hisoka
Dream: To be a gymnast
Gemstone: Crystal
Henshin: Chariklo celestial power, make-up!
Attacks: Sky Arc, Aura Radiance
Personality: She is a somber beauty, with a quiet optimism. She is most passionate about defending the weak, and freedom. She has a very creative imagination, and is often in the center of large network of friends. She is inquisitive, always asking questions and full of innocent curiosity. She can be obsessive, and charismatic. She receives a lot of attention and adoration. She is slightly insecure, and always fascinated with the world around her. She is hard to refuse. She is very accepting, but usually it is a conditional acceptance. She relates to and understands others through her imagination. She is very graceful and athletic. She likes to question reality.
Weapon: Light Ribbon



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