
I haven't updated this profile since December of 2007 I think XD
But now I'm going to tell you real things about me! <=D
Name::..::For now you can call me Moon I don't really feel like giving out my name at the moment...
Age::..::It's that age when you say oh crap I just got out of elementary school? It older than 12 but younger than 15
>___> I'm young....
Gender::..::Female/Barney! =D durr
A bit about me?Well I am the terror that lurks in your bathroom I am all is wrong when there is right in the world!I am the gummi bear cannibal! >DDDD
Well I was born in Florida and I'm in it too!I am an AB student fear meh?I collect pokemon cards!Fear me now?Dammit victory is mine!
More to be updated and edited because I'm crappy!