
18. I've been living under a rock for about two years. Dropped out of high school at sixteen, but now I'm back on track. I think. (Oops. How does one undo jinxes?) I'm enrolled in a community college and will quite possibly do well (though honestly, I think that's the lithium talking). Yeah, I have bipolar disorder, but...I'm doing okay. Mostly.

On to the important stuff. Video games are my life. Final Fantasy is my oxygen and Kingdom Hearts is my yummy chocolate cake. Other favorites are Prince of Persia: Sands of Time, Katamari Damacy, and Dynasty Warriors. I've been looking for Samurai Warriors, but I think I missed the boat on that one (and most PS2 games) now that the PS3 has come out. Bleh.

Besides video games, I love manga, origami, and...and...fanfiction! I have a desperate, passionate love for fanfiction, which I read and write and go crazy without. Oh yes, and mansex. It's an addiction. I slash everybody. EVERYBODY. I'd list my favorite pairs, but really it'd be faster to say which ones I hate.






You're totally nuts!--They'll come at you out of nowhere.--We're with Seifer.--What's so weird? I care just like everybody else.--Just live your life, eat your food, and take things easy.--Gotta keep going.--This...is for the fallen!