There's Gaps in Everything

Wish List


Marrow "Marrowchan" Belghast

Marrowchan's avatar

About Me . . . ?

I'm a 6'1" 21-year-old cross-player (dude with a female avvie) who loves games. If you're at all curious about what I'm wearing, it's on here. If you're at all curious about what I'm playing, it's typically going to be Etrian Odyssey. If you're at all curious about what I'm reading, it's usually fanfiction. If you're at all curious about what I'm doing . . . well, you're reading it, aren't you?!

It's time to make worlds and wear outfits, 'cause I don't chew gum!

My Current Intentions

Dungeoneering in Etrian Odyssey Untold.