
Name: Kosarro Terra
Nickname: Kosarro
Age: looks 24
birth month:July
Gender: Male
Zodiac: Cancer
Sexuality: Strate
Relationship: Married
Strengths: He a skilled weapon user as he uses every weapon to his knowledge. He uses Guns, Bombs, Swords you name it he will figure it out. He also good to hand-to-hand combat and knowledge of the body he uses pressure points it something that slows down a person or make magic useless ageist him. But his main power is his own body, having extreme scenes *like Sight,hear,touch,taste,and smell* and can withstand over 10,000,000,000 tons he can bring quite a punch. And is still training till this day.
Personality: Kosarro is always Loyal,Respectful,Honest and tell you what he thinks if he wants you know, cheerful 1/2 time, calm, lessons to your problems, give good advice and always there for you and helpful. But he can be territorial, Nosy,Quite, self center, Competitive, Serious 1/2 the time or always thinking...or when you first meet him he would not smile.
My wife, children, parents and siblings.
color orange

being treated as a fool.
Hurting one who close to him.
Hiding spots when I'm Angery: at the royal gardens

History: Ever since Kosarro was born he was always quite, he would never cry or ask for anything other then food. His abilities soon showed when he smiled for once shooting a sling shot at a plate across the room and caused it to shatter. His father soon started to have him shoot from close then far increasing his scenes and skills. When Kosarro grew into his kid years he would play games, and wouldn't go on many avengers. He study really hard on his family history the land history, science, math,maps,English, writing,speaking,lessening, memorizing every weapon, and about people. He normally would seek out to see people and learn who they where but normally he got caught. When his mother and father where out at war or on a avenger he would write in his Journal about how cool they where and how existed he was when they return. In his teen years he was bit of trouble always sneaking out instead of studying or training hard core in the training room mastering his skills at a young age and strengthening his muscles from carrying 5 pounds to 10,000,000,000 tons, he would constantly be with his father or go on meany avengers on his own. Till age of 16 he was sent to the army for further training. Winning 3 wars and mastering his skills and his use in victuals he return home at 20 years of age, and met the most beautiful women he ever met who was also his ally from the army. They where married later that year and he been living happy ever since, as in later time he has two children who are teenagers and don't respect him and he understand there teens and is currently teaching them to respect him while still training in the force doing what ever he can to protect every one he loves.
Theme song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CJ3ocY9O-58
*yes i like Steven universe*
Prince Kosarro of Vamraak

Hey there.