
Hello my name is Hannah. I am fifteen years old from a small town in Illinois. I am really random and weird but that is just me. I am really nice to, as long as you don't annoy me or start stuff with my friends. When I really love you, you can talk to me about anything. I love helping people out, and as alot of people say I am good at giving advice. I am very artistic as well, my main talent being in drawing pretty girls. Why? I Don't know. A lot of people think because of it, I want to be a artists. I don't want to be, because I just don't want to be! Instead I want to be a history teacher, because I always really loved history. Maybe it is because I believe in rebirth? I don't know. x3. So now you are like "what joo mean rebirth child!?" Well I mean that I believe when you die, you are reborn into a different body. Which also means I am not fully Christian. Which also means that I don't discriminate based on religion, because I know what its like to be and its not cool. I also am really against any other kind of it, so if your like that just don't talk to me. I guess haha.