Lady Zyzzyva

Lady Zyzzyva's avatar

Birthday: 08/24


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Hey everybody! I'm Lady Zy and I'm another teen on Gaia. I LOVE to write, mainly fantasy and modern sort of settings although I've written in a few other genres as well. Because of my love for writing, I guess it's not that big of a surprise that I also rp, so if you have any ideas for plots, feel free to check me out! I used to write fanfiction, but I've been on hiatus for a while because of school and stuff.

So other than that, I love to read and I'm always on the lookout for new books to read. Also, I have a tumblr ( so check that out and see if you're interested in any of my fandoms so we can chat!

I've kinda had a gaia account for a long time but I keep slipping in and out of it over the years. Still, I'm trying to get back into it again, so yeah, if you want to chat, let me know!




gaia_diamond Flattery will get you no where. Chocolate, on the other hand, most certainly will. In fact, you'll be taken to the top of a mountain where you can frolic in my candy coated wonderland. gaia_diamond


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