
About the Girl
Name: Hana Hoshi
Name Meaning: Flower Star

Age: 14
Birthday: September 26, 1996

Eyes: Purple
Hair: Pink
Skin: Fair
Height: 5'4''
Weight: 114 Lbs.
Build: Feminine

Blood Type: A
Sun Sign: Libra
Gemstone: Topaz
Likes: Scales
Dislikes: Mind games
Strongest Subject: Language
Weakest Subject: Science
Strong Points: Sharing
Has Trouble With: Indecisiveness
Dream: To be a model

About the Senshi
Sailor Name: Sailor Libra
Realm of Influence: Libra, Flowers

Transformation Phrase: Libra Power Make Up!
Transformation Item: Pink Star Stick
Transformation Sequence: She spins around, surrounded by flower petals. A petal covers the screen and she is posing as Sailor Libra.
Colors: Pink, Lavender
Outfit: User Image
Weapons: Libra's Scales
Items: Pink Star Stick, Lovely Flower Shield

First Attack Name: Peaceful Starlight (Offensive)

Second Attack Name: Flower Charm (Offensive)

Third Attack Name: Beautiful Garden (Offensive)

Fourth Attack Name: Celestial Caress (Offensive)

Fifth Attack Name: Lilac Starfield (Offensive)

Sixth Attack Name: Lovely Starlet (Offensive)

Seventh Attack Name: Floral Zodiac Kiss (Offensive)

Eighth Attack Name: Libra Sexy Flower (Offensive)


Viewing 12 of 21 friends


Viewing 10 of 19 comments.

Moon Kingdom Serenity

Report | 11/23/2010 6:41 am

Moon Kingdom Serenity

*LoL. Thanks for that. Fixed it.*
ZS _SailorLibra_

Report | 10/02/2010 12:56 pm

ZS _SailorLibra_

Oh! Hi~
o w o You're so elegant looking...~
Neverending Marchen

Report | 09/28/2010 6:03 pm

Neverending Marchen

Love the profile, Libra! blaugh
l Sailor Virgo l

Report | 09/28/2010 3:28 pm

l Sailor Virgo l

lol ok...but she still perfers ze menz
l Sailor Virgo l

Report | 09/26/2010 1:08 am

l Sailor Virgo l

Yes Ma'am...should i keep her that way?
Sailor Pesanta

Report | 09/19/2010 11:33 am

Sailor Pesanta

I love it. <3
It looks really good.
l Sailor Cancer l

Report | 09/18/2010 2:12 pm

l Sailor Cancer l

Yes3 today alone . I think it was because I got The Ringmaster Item and was selling it on marketplace
Sailor Pesanta

Report | 09/18/2010 2:06 pm

Sailor Pesanta

My regular fuku.
Sailor Pesanta

Report | 09/18/2010 2:00 pm

Sailor Pesanta

Aww, thank you. It looks really cool xD
l Sailor Cancer l

Report | 09/18/2010 1:38 pm

l Sailor Cancer l

I was editing avi and forgot to save it so I'm back to normal although today I had 3 hack attempts.


Libra's are better...
User Image
...and Sailor Libra is the best!