
Hello I am Jackandsally12 and if you dont already know personal things about me, then you probably dont need to, so I will tell you things that arent so personal.

I like...
My friends, You know who you are, my dog Ziggy, my family, tv, Gaia, animals, The Nightmare Before Christmas, Pee-Wee's Big Adventure, Beetlejuice, Batman, Edward Scissorhands, Batman Returns, Ed Wood, Mars Attacks, Sleepy Hollow, Big Fish, Charlie and the Chocolate Factory, Corpse Bride (all directed by Tim Burton {except TNBC}), Tim Burton, Helena Bonham Carter, Johnny Depp, Harry Potter movies, Indiana Jones, The Incredible Hulk, TRANSFORMERS!!!!, the movies, Zim, Gir, Spongebob Squarepants, Dancing, Ren. Fest, Shia LaBeouf, Disturbia, orange juice, apple juice, popcorn, Animal Crossing, DDR, dogs, the smell of "man chest", PAINTBALL!, Will Ferrell (I MET HIM), Adam Sandler, Dane Cook, Jim Carey, funny people, laughing, socks, soft hands, big hands, Petes Dragon, Danny Elfman, loud music, useless inventions (such as the talking toilet), blue, purple, Lime Green, chipmunks, youtube, facial hair, monkeys, the word "Wowza!", Dirt, mud, Thunderstorms, rain, showering in the rain, OUTSIDE!, talking, jumping, circles, the names "Rowan" and "Rhiannon" yahoo messenger, techno, Jack Sparrow, Jon Heder, Resident Evil 1 & 2, The Sims, Chapstick, lotion, beds, sneezing, abs, pools, hot tubs, disco balls, glow in the dark stuff, CRUNCH!, pwning, green, skipping, HORROR MOVIES!!, Bonfires!, commentary, happiness, comedians, Christmas, ROCK BAND!, Guitar Hero, Wife Beaters, Halloween, Thanksgiving, Easter, 4th of July, cool Gaia items, Ipods, my juke, Twilight Zone, Mr. Bill, groovy music, Walt Disney movies, Dead Silence, Austin Powers, bowling, fishing, camping, tissues, boating, Texas, California, FLYLEAF, Disturbed, Quietdrive, Bowling For Soup, Maroon 5, Jeremy Sumpter, Denzel Washington, stars, Rocky Horror Picture Show, Tim Curry, Meatloaf, Morgan Freeman, my mommy! my daddy! my two brothers! RAINBOWS!! swimming, WWE, itunes, Flight Of The Concords, wrestling, Bret, Germaine, Murray, parties, fundip, Mountain Dew, DR GIGGLES, Vault, Amp, clothes, hand sanitizer, laptops, potatoes, cell phones, random-ness, being a fool, dancing pickles, baffling people with my random spurts of energy, sugar, Heidi hats, bobby pins, clever puns, dancing, dances, blue hair, breathing, The Sci-Fi channel, Hot Topic, Tinkerbell, fairies, Jack Skellington, Sally Finklestein, dancing, Nickleback, eyeliner, Chiller channel, lip PLUMPER, batteries, apples, trees, chairs, pillows, beds, blankets, happy people, hugs, chicken, Mr. Bill, jell-O, pudding, Stay Alive, cuddling, and a lot more, but I am too lazy to type it all...

I dislike...
Preps, sickness, school, fat, grease, VOMIT!, mean people, angry people, complainers, gross food, typing, vomit!, bullies, hay, sheep, live chickens, chores, smelly people, VOMIT!, garbage, falling, normal people, loosing ipods, bees, clingy people, DRUGS!, boogers, poo, urine, VOMIT! whiney people, my life hating alter ego Ju, emo-ness, cutters, barf, rap, shopping when I have no money, mold, spiders, VOMIT!, flies, mosquitoes, death, public restrooms, shoes, bad movies with good previews, crying, rescue heroes, bunnies, seeing people cry, seeing people sad, funerals, being sad, VOMIT, when my plans fail, break-ups, clean freaks who are afraid of getting dirty, money, injuries, VOMIT!, and many more!


Viewing 12 of 29 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 06/25/2009 6:37 pm


I figured as much. I'm not really one to be worth remembering anyway. smile

Report | 03/09/2009 10:23 pm


long time no see apparently

Report | 02/03/2008 11:09 am


you didn't stay a vamp for very long

Report | 12/13/2007 4:02 am


Hey Julia! User Image

Report | 12/11/2007 3:37 pm


sometime or another meaning... maybe after the holidays or something

Report | 12/09/2007 3:22 pm


sometime or another being not anytime soon, right?

Report | 12/04/2007 3:38 pm


yeah! you aren't a vampire anymore!
Faerie Dreams

Report | 11/21/2007 7:55 pm

Faerie Dreams

yay for Sweeney Todd, I want to see that movie so badly

Johnny Depp singing = awesomeness!

Report | 11/15/2007 6:48 pm


User Image oh really?

Report | 11/12/2007 12:05 pm




User Image