[[ Formaly Franken_Stein_Sensei ]]
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. D o c t o r . F r a n k e n . S t e i n .
xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx insanity IS Contagious

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I am:

- Doctor Franken Stein
- I am a technician who specializes in soul manipulation.
- I also can use any weapon I take interest in
- I am Shibusens Strongest Technician.
- Most important people in my life.
- Spirit Albarn
- Marie Mjölnir
- I do not know what love is.
- I live to dissect, to further my research
- I suffer from the Kishins madness.

Techniques/Abilities :

- Experimental Spirit Body
- Izuna
- Soul Menace (Purge)
- Soul Perception
- Soul-thread Stitching
- Successive Palm Soul Menace
- Two Palm Soul Menace (Twin Spears)
- Witch-Hunt Slash
- Unarmed Close Combat Expert
- Superior Soul Knowledge

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When I was asked by Shinigami-sama to help him hold an extra lesson, I complied. This resulted in a fight with the technicians Maka Albarn, and Black*Star, and their weapons Soul Eater and Tsubaki Natatsukasa. Before starting the session, I was able to use Soul Perception to view their souls characteristics. This fight continued, until Soul puts his own safety aside to protect his meister, concluding the lesson. I was then, to the groups dismay, invited to become a teacher at Shibusen.

I was also able to help tutor Maka when Soul and Black*star attempt to fight Shinigami-samas son, Death the Kid. After the Demon Sword appeared, Senpai and I were sent to Florence under orders from Shinigami-sama, to prevent the birth of another Kishin. We ventured to Santa Maria Novella Basilica, a church were Maka and soul fought the Demon Blader, and arrived just in time. This was also the first time Shibusen confronted the witch Medusa Gorgon.

The second time being on Christmas Eve, when she attempted to revive the sleeping kishin Asura. I was yet again paired up with Spirit and faced the witch. Though the battle was long, we eventually beat her. Though as a result the Kishin was awakened, and my insanity became worse.

I was then paired up with Marie, and along Team Death and the Secondary Trio, we went to retrieve BREW but in the end failed. Shibusen lost BREW to Medusa, although it was believed that we had lost it to Arachnophobia.

Because the events that occurred at BREW did damage to my own sanity, Shinigami-sama became suspicious that a traitor lived in Shibusen. So he called in Internal Affairs also known as Mole Hunter BJ. He investigate Sid, Nygus, Azusa, Marie and Myself. After being investigated I returned home. But much to my surprise Sid and Spirit arrived at my home, reveling that BJ had been murdered, and that I was the one who had been blamed. However instead of taking me to Shinigami-sama they let Marie and I go, to find the real murderer of BJ.

After a long search we finally found Bjs murderer, an ex-death scythe. Justin Law. Using Maries technique Izuna we damaged Justin, but he got away using an artifact. So we returned to Shibusen, and after apologies to Shinigami-sama for leaving, we were able to tell him who murdered Bj, and attempted to show him a tape with the fight on it. However the tape had only recorded background noise Though I was welcomed back to Shibusen, and I am able to help and train my students. Even though they are now members of Spartoi, and I am looking forward to clear my name completely, and stop the Kishin.

Recently, a group that consists of Sid, Nygus, Tezca, Enrique, Marie and myself, went to find, and hopefully stop, Noah and his band of misfits. If you will. Though, we failed this mission, losing Tezca, and injuring everyone else.

[[ OOC INFO! I would like to say, I do not opreciate theives, but I am willing to share if you ask! <3 I love to roleplay, so just ask! I don't bit. ; D If you'd like to know, I support: SteinxSpirit (Shutadesu) SteinxMedusa and sometimes even SteinxMarie. I'm usually open to any pairing though~ I love to experiment, mind you~ But yes, please do comment or whatever~ I'd love it~ ]]

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