RP thing profile

CODE NAME: HomacXross7
NAME: Homac
AGE: 12
RACE: Catman/woren hybrid (tabby)
FAMILY: Xross family of the X'ross empire
HERATIGE: the X'ross empire
RELATIVES: X'ross royal family
PERSONALITY: Happy, happy cat like, not serios
LIKES: fish, fishing, music, magic users, games
DISLIKES: people hating, me twin sister
TYPE: spearguard, dancer
Strength: ****
Power: ***
Speed: *****
Agility: ******
Skill: ******
SKILLS: Pole arm combat, naturally armed combat
FAMILY SKILLS: lunar slash ,fishing, cooking, first aid, cat morphing, hunting, skinning,

Lunar Slash(fires straight forward.)
Quick Slash: Swings his scythe, creating a thin blade of lunar energy in the encircling arch of the slash that flies at the enemy. ENERGY LEVEL 3/ENERGY COST 1
Strong Slash: Swings his scythe, creating a big blade of lunar energy in the encircling arch of the slash that flies at the enemy. ENERGY LEVEL 3/ENERGY COST 2
Fierce Slash: Swings his scythe, creating a thin blade of lunar energy in the encircling arch of the slash that flies at the enemy. ENERGY LEVEL 3/ENERGY COST 3
Jumping Lunar Slash (fires at the enemy, where ever they are.
Quick Slash: Jumps and spins side ways swinging his scythe, creating a thin blade of lunar energy in the encircling arch of the slash that flies at the enemy. ENERGY LEVEL 3/ENERGY COST 1
Strong Slash: Jumps and spins sideways, winging his scythe, creating a big blade of lunar energy in the encircling arch of the slash that flies at the enemy. ENERGY LEVEL 3/ENERGY COST 2
Fierce Slash: Jumps and spins sideways, winging his scythe, creating a thin blade of lunar energy in the encircling arch of the slash that flies at the enemy. ENERGY LEVEL 3/ENERGY COST 3

Levi-snakes rise (fists)
Levi-snakes Rise
6 Snakes Rise: Ragnarok cuts herself to charge black lightning from Akumachi and swings it to fire a polt into Homac, which is then conducted by his protective shirt. Homac then qickly throws 6 punches, firing snakes of black lightning at the enemy with every punch. ENERGY LEVEL 6/ENERGY COST 2
13 Snakes Rise: Ragnarok cuts herself to charge black lightning from Akumachi and swings it to fire a polt into Homac, which is then conducted by his protective shirt. Homac then quickly throws 13 punches, firing snakes of black lightning at the enemy with every punch. ENERGY LEVEL 6/ENERGY COST 3
20 Snakes Rise: Ragnarok cuts herself to charge black lightning from Akumachi and swings it to fire a polt into Homac, which is then conducted by his protective shirt. Homac then quickly throws 20 punches, firing snakes of black lightning at the enemy with every punch. ENERGY LEVEL 6/ENRGY COST 4

Seven-star Dust (fist) (energy 3)
medium, high, (energy 5)

Heavan's Gate(Super) (energy 6)
no level change
welcome oblivion (energy 9) how do you energy cost this?

WEAPONS: scythe, fists

Ragnarok: (see her profile)

NAME: Jack Des Shinryu
RACE: crystal dragon
FAMILY: divine crystal dragon family
PERSONALITY: evil, sarcastic, vindictive, sadistic, cocky, antagonising, some-what good
LIKES: world domination, violence, pissing everyone off, making people fall inlove.
Dislikes: Burning icewolf, Darrel, Father and everyone shorter then him.
CLASS: Weapon lord, Maple gunman (gunslinger or what ever it is)
TYPE: gunslinger, shadow
Power: *****
Speed: **(land) *****(air)**
Agility: *******
Skill: *********
SKILLS:Magic (needs ragnarok) telepathy, snipe, romance skills, teacher in dragon movement and attacks
Signiature Moves
(Shinryu does not have any signature moves outside of his welcome oblivion except for his breath attack, crystal cloning, crystal stalagmite and diamond des prism.)

Light of the void: his breath attack

welcome oblivion: crystalizes the entire battlezone (everything) allowing him to use his other attacks. (
five star stalegmite

(you know this one)
light of pandamonium

(i like this one)
Des diamond stars,

des raveolution

des avalancher)

Crystal Cloning: makes a crystal clone of himself.

Des Crystal Stalagmite Crystals are four times as big when in true form, as they are in anthropoid form.
Small/Really, Really Big Crystals: runs his fingers/claws into the ground and fires a volley of 12 by 4 inch crystal missiles at the opponent.
big/Really, Really huge Crystals: runs his fingers/claws into the ground and fires a volley of 24 by 8 inch crystal missiles at the opponent.
Really Big/Gigantic: runs his fingers/claws into the ground and fires a volley of 24 by 8 inch crystal missiles at the opponent.

Diamond Des Prism: uses every crystal quill he fires and levitate them in order to fire at his opponent. (energy 9)
medium (energy 7)
low (energy 5)

Shining fingers: self explanitory

WEAPON: (Shinryu has these special crstal gloves stuck on his hands that can morph and and can grow if he uses some of the crystals on his body Ingrediants: mercury, diamond, 50% orihalcon, fragments of all other gems (the weapon excisted for nearly 5 or 6 thousand yearswhat do you expect) and mythril .)

INJURY: legs badly damaged. so he cant move them unless he has this special crystal cast on.