
Part 1: One day in a meadow clearing near a thick large dense ancient and magical forest, I was just basking in the sun peacefully like I and my kind always did, soaking in the rays of the sunlight to obtain our daily supply of energy fuel, when suddenly, the entire forest disappeared in bright white, and refaded in a new setting. I was located in a dump, at some kind of abandoned train station. There was a chest nearby, but it was already empty; apparently, some guy had opened it and taken the object out and left with it: the ring he was wearing, and was apparently was using it to shoot some monsters who were chasing a soldier around.

Unconcerned with the acts and violence of war, I proceeded north, and ended up at a large building. I set off an alarm, and some weapons started firing at me, as a diversion to allow the real firepower to arrive. I tried to cast a barrier sphere, but when I got blown backwards by some kind of explosive device, I realized the magic never even started. I was powerless. Helpless. Defenseless. I was toast. The GBI filed out of the building and surrounded me, and told me to stand down and don’t move. Some of them arrested me and took me in for questioning, because I had no ID and scans came up negative. They told me lots of things I disliked, but the worst they said was calling me “human”

I am no “human” I told them. I am a creature of soft white fur, feathered wings, clawless paws, toothless mouths, and scaless and hornless bodies… with the exception of the alicorn at the top of my head, which mysteriously dissapeared.

After the interrogation, they gave me clothes (I was somewhat naked… furry naked… like bakeneko naked), registered me into the system, assigned me an ID, and sent me to Barton Town, telling me never to come back to the HQs, or to ever talk about it. They also gave me a ring called guns guns guns, going on about the dangers of the animated these days (which I ignore and subsequently threw away).

Part 2:

Coming Soon