"Mamagoto" - Miyavi


erase-n-delete's avatar

Last Login: 10/16/2009 8:10 pm

Registered: 07/30/2006

Gender: Female

Location: Tennessee. Aww. D:

Birthday: 05/29


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Behind the pixels...

Who am I?
To put it simply, I am me, whatever the hell that's supposed to mean...
I'm not quite sure, and while I've got a faint idea, we'll just have to wait and see.

I’m one of those people who speculates too much and becomes jealous easily.
It’s not a good trait of mine but it’s how I am.
I'm insecure, full of fears and doubt, filled with worry and envy, and I tend to hold grudges.
I'm pessimistic, but I mask my negativity by saying I'm being realistic.
It shouldn't be that way, but it is.

As I've always said, you're lucky if you can find someone worth holding on to, and even luckier if the feeling is mutual and you're able to keep them with you.
I want someone like this, but with that being said, I'm not about to let myself believe that I'll actually find anyone like that.
No one can deal with me long enough to stay by me, and I'm used to it by now.
Doesn't make it hurt any less when they abandon me, though.
I just try not to get so attached.

I like to sleep, but I don't like falling asleep because I fear I'll wake up completely alone someday.

I hate how people throw words and phrases like "forever," "always," and "I love you" around like they mean nothing.

I'm very selectively-caring, and I'm rather picky about the people I surround myself with.
I've got trust issues, and I always wonder about the motives of the people I involve myself with.
There are very, very few people that I can honestly say I trust, and even then, I admit to having my doubts about them every now and then.

I'm grateful to the people who have come and gone but I'm even more grateful to the people who have chosen to stay by me

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"If there are mountains, there will also be valleys."


"Close your heart to every love but mine.
Hold no one in your arms but me.