
Hello, and welcome to this random profile that you randomly stumbled upon. Let me tell you a bit about myself...
I am about 105 years old, I am what you would call a female human, I am bisexual (this would explain my nonstop talk about breasts), I love to draw, I may not be the best drawer in the world but I just like to draw for the hell of it. I cosplay, watch anime, read manga, obsess over stuff, say kawaii desu, pretty much I am the definition of an otaku. I am a homestucker and an OFF player. I eat every five minutes so I will brb constantly or become silent for a while. I could just go on and on about stupid s**t that doesn't mean anything. so to wrap it up, I am nice, I don't bite, sometimes, and that is all.

oh look, its my face.
hey look at this its some avi art I made.
here is me being an idiot.