
This profile has not changed since the mid 2000's. I will allow it to remain as a testament to how ******** weird that era of gaia was.
I am no longer 15, I am 30. Nothing after this intro has changed since 2007.
You're welcome.



Okie, I got it out of my system.

Some things you should know about me;

I'm a freak, plain and simple.

I'm the queen of procastination so It's usually a while between posts, just thought I'd let you know.

If I could marry my golf clubs I would... my skates too come to think of it.

I have an unhealthy obsession with vampires. ( Keifer Sutherland in The Lost Boys btw)

Here's a profile within a profile about me!

Name: Sara Rose Joanne (last name un-disclosed)

Age: 15

Location: Newfoundland, Canada

Height: 5'4

Blood type: No sweet clue

Weight: 135 pounds and declining.

Favorite things: Pink, Harry Potter, Hello! Project

Dislikes: Country music, people who need to remove the sticks from their asses and onions.

Fears: Bugs, the dark, blood, heights, fire, monsters, sharp things... and pretty much everything.

Favorite Movie(s): The Harry Potter series, Hell Boy, The Lost Boys, The pirates of the Carribean trilogy, Hell Boy, Grease, Howls Moving Castle, Spirited Away, The Cat Returns, Hell Boy, The first Inuyasha Movie, Annie, The Aristocats, The Sword in the Stone, Herculese, Tarzan, Mary Poppins, Breakfast Club, Hell Boy, Take the Lead, Step Up, Across the Universe, Interview with the Vampire, Queen of the Damned, A series of unfortunate events, Hell Boy and many, many more.

Favorite Show(s): CSI, Without a Trace, Inuyasha, Peach Girl, Super Gals, LIFE, This ugly yet beautiful world, Strawberry Panic, Gundam SEED, Chobits, FMA, Naruto, Bleach.

Favorite Book(s): Harry Potter (duh), Eragon, A Great and Terrible Beauty, Rebel Angels, Ester, Dream Hunter, The "His Dark Materials" series, Valiant, The outsiders, The Great Chocolate War ( I and II ), Interview With the Vampire, Beka Cooper; Terrior, Tricksters Choice, Inkheart, Inkspell, The Pendragon series.

Favorite Manga(s); Shugo Chara!, Inuyasha, xxxHolic, Tsubasa, Gundam SEED, Bisenghast, Dolls, Princess Ai, Kare First Love.

Favorite Artist(s): Buono!, Morning Musume, Berryz Kobo (koubou), C-ute, AKB48, Toutou, W, Gyaruru, Melin Keninbi.

Favorite Clothing Line(s): Baby The Stars Shine Bright, Angelic Pretty, Metamorphose Temps De Fille.


Viewing 12 of 26 friends



Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 12/31/2023 4:00 pm


nice avi again ♥️♥️♥️
Hemp Fandango

Report | 08/28/2023 1:46 pm

Hemp Fandango

cute avi!

Report | 08/26/2023 7:10 am


love your avi heart
Tenma Curry Time

Report | 08/19/2023 10:20 am

Tenma Curry Time

Ooooofda XD XD yeah take care of yourself okay? ^^ -hugs-
Tenma Curry Time

Report | 08/19/2023 10:01 am

Tenma Curry Time

Oh holy cow i'm so sorry DJ. crying Have you been drinking enough water or Gatorade or something like that and Tylenol occasionally?
That's what I do.
Tenma Curry Time

Report | 08/19/2023 9:58 am

Tenma Curry Time

I'm just trying to chill and to stay calm in this heat and with a migraine. My hubby is napping cuz the heat isnt treating him nicely.
My kiddo is playing but mostly on his gaming tablet lol mini gamer.
Tenma Curry Time

Report | 08/19/2023 9:50 am

Tenma Curry Time

Haaaaaiiiiii xD heart bumps what's up?
Musky Skunk

Report | 07/29/2023 6:10 am

Musky Skunk

you're welcome whee

Report | 07/26/2023 3:41 pm


hanks for buying. cat_smile
slots addict

Report | 07/22/2023 6:45 pm

slots addict

your desc should be in the smithsonian ... amazing profile


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art by nix zee

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