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The End of Gaia! O.o WTF!


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Garaa Feels Numb

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Fenrir's Log

I am White_Fenrir_Sword, i plan to write poetry and stories in these journals, i enjoy writing and playing Vgames and especially Fan fiction, if you write any fan fics, tel me where to find them.


Name:White_Fenrir_Sword aka: Fenrir
Age: 16
occupation: student
I go onto gaia so i can tlk to my old friends in other states. I am straight but currently single(but that may soon change hopefully). I view myself as a intellectual and a bit of a romantic, contrasting to other guys who just follow there p***s, but i do love my urges like any other dude. i jus keep them to myself, till its appropriate.
I prefer to find peacefull solutions instead of jus violence to settle arguements, but i don't believe in pascifism either, if there's a good enough reason for fighting back: some one gives me s**t, ill shove there face in it and enjoy it.

-friends and family
mostly fiction and some literature like the divine commedy
FMA The Movie, Interview with a Vampire
-video games:
Tons exclaim
Linkin Park , Hoobastank, Rhapsody
Hikaru Utada
names pending
-asian girls(curently single)

- people who enjoy putting others down for amusement
-people who repeat themselves over and over and can't shut up
-people who enjoy giving harm to others; not much to say im very optimistic

A girl and a guy were speeding over 100mph on a motorcycle.
Girl: Slow down! I'm scared.
Guy: No. This is fun.
Girl: No it's not! Please, it's way to scary!
Guy: Then tell me you love me.
Girl: I love you now slow down!
Guy: Now give me a big hug.
She gave him a big hug.
Guy: Can you take off my helmet & put it on yourself? It's bothering me.
*In the newspaper the next day a motorcycle crashed into a building because of break failure. Two people were on it and only one survived. The truth was that halfway down the road the guy realized that the breaks were out and he didn't want the girl to know. Instead he had her hug him and tell him she loved him one last time. Then he had her put his helmet on so that she would live even if it meant that he would die. If you would do the same for a person you love then copy this into your profile

*Not just someone i loved, but any friend of mine who was in danger of any kind i'd put my life on the line for them gladly.

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User Image - Blocked by "Display Image" Settings. Click to show.Take the Magic: The Gathering What Color Are You? Quiz.

I also like to write fanfiction. i post on and i am about to write a new fan fic that is different from others, reason i think so is i havent seen ne one else try this yet. i would like to get mor opinions before i write, if u would like to state ur opinion pleaz post on my profile and ask for a site link. i will PM u shortly after. Ne 1 interested pleaz let me know.

Faint DMC remix


View All Comments

Joput Report | 12/13/2010 5:12 pm
you want 100000000 gold then copy/paste this on ten gaia profiles and press f4 then log out and log back in and check your gold!!!!!!!it really works!!!!!!!!!
ChubbyChuu Report | 12/05/2009 10:30 am
hey try this out send this to at least ten profiles then press f5 and you get 100,000 (Don't really know if this works.)
vampirequeen1788 Report | 08/11/2009 9:27 am
you too
wofgurl Report | 07/01/2009 2:10 pm
HAPPY BIRTHDAY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! biggrin
vampirequeen1788 Report | 06/26/2009 7:06 pm
is all good
vampirequeen1788 Report | 06/17/2009 8:14 pm
ty ty i LOVE this background
trano005 Report | 04/25/2009 8:26 pm
nothing really!!
trano005 Report | 04/25/2009 12:58 pm
hi long time no see!!!
im_a_female Report | 03/04/2009 12:22 pm
oh.... duh tht was obvious.... lolz im so stupid.
hotdominican92 Report | 02/28/2009 4:35 pm
This is heart warming....

When a boy is quiet... millions of things are running.

When a boy is not arguing...he is thinking deeply.

When a boy looks at u with eyes full of questions...he is wondering how long you will be around

When a boy answers I'm fine after a few seconds ... he is not at all fine

When a boy stares at you... he is wondering why you're lying

When a boy let you lays on his chest... he is wishing for you to never go away

When a boy says I love you... he means it

When a boy says ' I miss you ' ... no one in this world can miss you more than that

Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person....

Find a Guy .. who calls you beautiful instead of hot...

Who calls you back when you hang up on him...

Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep...

Wait for the guy who ...kisses your forehead...

Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats...

Who holds your hand in front of his friends...

Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you...

Who turns to his friends and says, ' That's her!! '

If you open this you have to repost it, guy or girl, or you will have bad luck for the rest of your life!!!!!

If I don't get this back I guess your not my friend....

If you have a lot of love for someone, copy and send this to your whole list.

Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they like you...

Something good will happen to you at approx. 1:42pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere.

So get ready for the biggest shock of your life.

If you break this chain, you will be cursed with relationship problems for the most important time of your life.

Send this to 15 people in 15 minutes to carry on the chain...and spare yourself the emotional stressThis is heart warming....

When a boy is quiet... millions of things are running.

When a boy is not arguing...he is thinking deeply.

When a boy looks at u with eyes full of questions...he is wondering how long you will be around

When a boy answers I'm fine after a few seconds ... he is not at all fine

When a boy stares at you... he is wondering why you're lying

When a boy let you lays on his chest... he is wishing for you to never go away

When a boy says I love you... he means it

When a boy says ' I miss you ' ... no one in this world can miss you more than that

Life only comes around once make sure u spend it with the right person....

Find a Guy .. who calls you beautiful instead of hot...

Who calls you back when you hang up on him...

Who will stay awake just to watch you sleep...

Wait for the guy who ...kisses your forehead...

Who wants to show you off to the world when you are in your sweats...

Who holds your hand in front of his friends...

Who is constantly reminding you of how much he cares about you and how lucky he is to have you...

Who turns to his friends and says, ' That's her!! '

If you open this you have to repost it, guy or girl, or you will have bad luck for the rest of your life!!!!!

If I don't get this back I guess your not my friend....

If you have a lot of love for someone, copy and send this to your whole list.

Tonight at midnight your true love will realize they like you...

Something good will happen to you at approx. 1:42pm tomorrow, it could be anywhere.

So get ready for the biggest shock of your life.

If you break this chain, you will be cursed with relationship problems for the most important time of your life.

Send this to 15 people in 15 minutes to carry on the chain...and spare yourself the emotional stress

This is heart warming....

When a boy is quiet... millions of things are running.

When a boy is not arguing...he is thinking deeply.

When a boy looks at u with eyes full of questions...he is wondering how long


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My Samuri Avi, this won't be easy.

It's only Theater till you offend some one. After that it's called art!


[Gaia] White_Fenrir_Sword

White_Fenrir_Sword's avatar

Last Login: 01/23/2017 11:50 pm

Gender: Male

Birthday: 07/01/1991

Occupation: Constant actor, a passionate writer and sometime artist

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