
Hello! My name is Jade Indigo. However my real name is Amanda. I am 20 years old and new to the Gaia world. I love anime...name it and I've most likely seen it. I've got 5 cats....yeah....I listen to almost every kind of music out there. I can sing pretty well too. I really love Japanese music the most sadly. English is my first language but I know a little bit of Japanese and German. I live in America. Texas of all places...NO I DON'T HAVE A SOUTHERN ACCENT THANK THE GODS! I'm an extremely open person so if you want to talk to me thats all good! Just don't expect me to say much about myself. I'm not too good about that. I like to listen. I play RPGs and almost any video game. I used to play football(soccer) but then I killed my knee playing DDR once....Stupid me. I read and write a lot and I love to draw. I also like yaoi but I won't fangirl it down your throat like some people I know. Also...my spelling sucks so bear with me. Ask me anything and I'll tell ya!! Alright take care!!

Art Sample!!!

My art:
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My fanart:
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Rainbow Pika Chan

Report | 06/17/2008 1:32 am

Rainbow Pika Chan

Congratulations, you are one of the seven poeple to have Shina Ringo in their interest box!!!

Report | 07/25/2007 5:06 pm


Yay for Jade!


Once upon a time there was a kinda and beautiful maiden....and I sure is hell ain't her!