And so it happened thusly:

My name is
I welcome you to my profile page.

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Klaatu barada nikto

Over the years, I have been assigned to the Zurg SednaG Lab Operatives, and I've been working undercover, quietly, using state-of-the art Zurg technology to extract information for our Zurg scientific community while observing life forms on Gaia. ♥

Backstory -- Unfortunately during the Demonbusters Halloween 2009 I chose to follow the Overseer despite the knowledge that as a Zurg, it is Mother and Moof that I serve, always. This meant that I lost my outward appearance of Zurg for several years until I was accepted back into the Zurg Hive.

As my Zurgmate, 5DMxyzplk, enjoys the company of robots and droids, I often please him to dress my avatar in the manner of a cyborg, or droid -- which has been an acceptable uniform requirement of the Zurg Hive of old.

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It has been fortuitous that we Zurg got a reply from some of our old Zurg comrades, as they posted in this thread, here > * * * * * *

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Image of my home-world Zurg
in the Constellation Pisces

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I'm Gaia-married to my Zurgmate, Mxy ♡

I am a proud member of the ZURG HIVE

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