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Pure Blood Royalty

Pure Blood Royalty's avatar

Birthday: 01/19


Hello All!
You may call me Royal, but if you must ask, you might get my real name.
Before you even think of talking to me, there are some things you need to know:
1. I'm a Feminist. If you think all of them are crazy radicals, don't even try to message me.
2. Black Lives Matter, so much to me. I'm an African American, and it angers me that my people might be killed by anybody.
3. I have no problem with anybody. If you're going to be mean to me, I'll be mean just right back. I can be the nicest person ever, or the rudest. Don't try me.

Now that some of the nasty stuff is out of the way, let's move on to fun things. I'm a 16 year old who lives in the California Bay Area. I'm passionate about helping people. I consider myself extremely funny, you'll probably see me in CB being totally random and stuff

My favorite gaia colors are Antique Gold, Demure, and of course Melty. I'm collecting all of these items so if you want throw some at me, be my guests.

I love reading. Currently some of my favorite series are the Anita Blake Series, The Mortal Instruments, and Merry Grey Series.

I use ti like random friend requests, but please try to talk to me before hand. It makes things easier.

That's it, but if you need to know anything just ask~!




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