OMG weirdo down here! D:

Lorelei Wyrd's avatar

Location: Utrecht, The Netherlands

Birthday: 12/19/1987


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What I do D:

Why hello there~!
I'm me, just call me Lorelei~!
If I'm not online I'm either asleep, visiting a castle, a museum or reading a book.
I'm Asatru, and proud of it~!
I'm going on vacation soon, Italy here I come~! Hide yer pizza's and pasta's~!
I'm hoping to make my avatar even cuter~!

Things I like:
NOiSE, Blame!, Biomega, NSE: Net sphere engineer, Blame!², Blame! Acadamy, Blame! And So On, Franken Fran, Venus versus Virus, Stray Little Devil, Battle Angel Alita: Last Order, Ghost in the Shell, Tetragrammaton Labyrinth, Dance In The Vampire Bund, Negima!, Hayate the Combat Butler, Princess Resurrection, and allot more cyberpunk/ecchi/yuri/loli.

Old WWII movies and I LOVE Puni Puni Poemy~! Yay for energetic people~!

Black/Doom/Pagan metal, Clannad, Enya, Theatre of Tragedy, Leather Nun, Black Sabbath, Iron Maiden, Motörhead, Blue Öyster Cult, Deep Purple, and a whole lot more.

History, science, role-playing, gaming, reading/collecting manga, visiting castles and historical museums.


Your aquarium is undergoing maintenance!

Weird people who talked to me D:

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Cavouku Report | 07/09/2009 4:36 pm
Here's what my dad said... This is a long way to say "they were freaked out about the carriers."

"(Dad)Lexington was on its' way back, from Midway. They delivered planes... and they were on their way home for Sunday. They got delayed a little bit because it was shitty weather." "(Me)Ah." "(Dad)But-" "(Me)Yes... I figured it was... easier way." "(Dad)What, are you trying to remember it, for a project?" "(Me)Nah, I'm tryin' to explain it to the person from The Netherlands, I wasn't sure-..." "(Dad)And that's why the Jap's called it off, because, there was, supposed to be, aircraft carriers in the harbor and they weren't. There was one other carrier it was in, uh-" "(Mike)They didn't know where they were" "(Dad)Yeah they had no idea. And...-"(Mike)It was- they were worried about where they were." "(Dad)Yeah, the other carrier was um... South of Hawaii, at an, um... doing practise... um, shooting and bombing. So the four big carriers were in four places that the Japs didn't know where any of them really were. And they realized that, when the real skilled pilots got back and got debriefed and they said 'Where are the carriers?' and well they said 'Well, there are none of them in Pearl Harbor' and they went 'Oh boy' and the second wave went in, to keep sinking boats and that's when the um, planes from The Enterprise.-"

Sorry, this is taking too long, I think you got it, the Japanese didn't have radars, the message was an hour late, etc.
Cavouku Report | 07/09/2009 3:36 pm
Ah, I was mistaken; Dad said all the hard battles were fought by the Polish and the Canadians.

Ah, and hold on though, my dad gave me a longass explanation about the American carriers, but I'll quote it, I got it all on a recording ^ ^
Cavouku Report | 07/09/2009 2:39 pm
I ish back, but it must be... 1 in the Netherlands?
Cavouku Report | 07/09/2009 1:11 pm
I was captivated by the TV in my time off the computer, and now I can not bare to leave it T~T

I might be back in about an hour, if not, something else came on >_>
Cavouku Report | 07/09/2009 1:10 pm
Ah well, they shouldn't get intimate over Gaia XP
Cavouku Report | 07/09/2009 12:53 pm
Ah, alright then. Whole different light now, you're good XP
Cavouku Report | 07/09/2009 12:47 pm
Ah, I see then, let me PM and see if I got it right-

Sorry bout that XP
Cavouku Report | 07/09/2009 12:44 pm
Ah, I see ^ ^

Don't worry, as a 14-year-old apparently-mature Canadian, I get it XP

On the internets you act gay, but IRL, you like the man's shtuff XP

Sorry, I'm in a funny mood ^ ^'

Cavouku Report | 07/09/2009 12:34 pm
As long as they're hot ^ ^

Don't think I'd think differently of you, and you don't have to answer, are you bi/homosexual?
Cavouku Report | 07/09/2009 12:30 pm
You have some odd ones XP

Daughter of the forest
With a pine garland on her head
Binded from twigs and thorns
Unsightly, yet radiant
Beloved of the woods

Daughter of the forest
With mud and soil on her face
But no amount of dirt hide her grace
Once revered, now alone
Relic from the olden days

Her altar was built from the sighs of gods
Covered in wild roses, ash and thorns
Look into the fire and you'll still see her shape
Dancing wildy, winding like a snake

Daughter of the forest
Beloved of the woods
No one calls her name anymore
No one stares into the flames anymore
Forever lost are the olden ways

Wyrd - Daughter of the Forest

MADE BY KURICHO (thank you~!)

Far away beyond the horizon,
above the shadows of the horses hoofs,
a maiden behind a golden shield
in a chariot rides across the sky.

Two ravens are above us,
a long forgotten tale,
how it is to reach the utter hail
and the eyes of a Valkyrjur caress your heart...

When a lightning strikes with pride
and a thunder roars upon us,
when the trees will be beckoned by their dew again
the icecold mist shows us our way...

Then be sure, oh thy heathenhearts,
our time will soon be there,
when the one-eyed God walks amidst us
and the neighing will be deep inside of our

One day we will tear the hearts
of the ones who stay against us,
the nine worlds are in our hands
since we've found the key of Valgrind.

No wolf will ever subdur us,
oh Freya hear my words,
forever I'll be in your retinue
and await to sense your breath...

Once you will open your eyes
while a maiden is kneeing at your side,
and she will kiss you to awake
for you will stride the mighty rainbowbridge...

Two ravens are above you,
they will show you the final way
across the river and over the mountain,
into the ardent awaited land...

Falkenbach - ...Into the Ardent Awaited Land...

Sol arose that morning like a sunwheel at the sky...
Shallow land two ravens high above gave me the sign...

Walhall the hall of shining shields
where once I'll be to celebrate my death...

Farewell my sword may lead me into ancient realms...

" saddled is my horse and grinded my sword,
the wisest of all blacksmith's forged my shield...
Tomorrow I will ride, when morningsun arose,
to meet my fate on shadow field... the time to leave is near,
and all preparations done,
the twilight now heralds my farewell...
A last donation to the ones
who will guide me on my way
and who will await me if I'll die..."

Valkyrjur will take my hand to lead me on my way...
Himinbjörg so soon there Heimdallr will welcome my soul...

Walhall the hall of shining shields
where once I'll be to celebrate my death...

Falkenbach- Walhall