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fantasia1940's Journal


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Report | 09/22/2012 6:31 pm


hahha, no, ive never even been to florida :p

and yeeaahhh, i was an a*****e. XD and um.. dont think it makes you TOO weird. XD only a little.

and um, yeah, im still into it, but i dont mind doing others. soo, its basically whatever youre craving ^_^

Report | 09/22/2012 5:58 pm


right?! i love new rps biggrin haha, me too wink

and yeah, it was my fault i lost the 2nd guy sweatdrop kinda slammed him against a wall.... strangled him a little :/ ignored him for a few days afterwards. told him i was just using him bc i was pissed at myself lol....

haha, i live in nc, and work at arbys biggrin

Report | 09/22/2012 5:26 pm


thats a complaicated story with the boyfriend lol. endedup leaving the one i'd been dating when id rp'd with you bc he'd been a d**k (wel, he left me, but he was a jerk about it) and then started dating this.. totally amazing guy and ended up ******** it up by letting my temper get the best of me sweatdrop

and shes great lol

and id love to start a new one ^_^
awwws, thanks <3

Report | 09/22/2012 5:12 pm


hahha, i took a hiatus XD
but im back now.
probably XD
i have no idea what i did with our rp lol

Report | 09/22/2012 4:37 pm


ello there biggrin

Report | 04/04/2012 12:30 pm



Report | 02/17/2012 5:41 pm


So is yours!! XD Thank you :3
Roslyn Pryce

Report | 02/12/2012 2:14 am

Roslyn Pryce

Super sorry if I'm spacey or weird. I'm still dizzy from yesterday and I think it's because of my lack of sleep/eating. So I may end up skipping over things, sorry in advance! ><
I never plan to let him go. :] Good guys really are hard to find, especially in this day and age.
She really is gorgeous so I don't blame you for loving on her a bit more. :3 All of your dolls are so beautiful.
I think that they disc things might be designed for their dolls. I could ask them, but I'm not all that curious since I hate the idea of restringing even more so now that I've had to actually do it. lol
I did some research a while ago on the language and it's so sad that it's basically dead from what the articles said. >< I think that me being bilingual would only really come in handy up state where people speak Spanish less since most people here speak it. xD
Roslyn Pryce

Report | 02/12/2012 12:13 am

Roslyn Pryce

I never really knew there was a difference, but it makes sense considering doctors go to a different kind of school after college. Ya learn new things everyday! Dating really can help you better understand who you are and what you need to change about yourself when it comes to having a partner. I'm only 2 years younger than you. :3 Sadly, I don't think I'm to the point where I'd say that I've grown up enough just yet to think that I'm perfect for the one I love. But I am willing to work on the things about myself that I know are an issue and that's what it's all about. ^.^ I'm pretty positive that he is the one for me and I wouldn't change having him for anything in the world. Wonderful men like him deserve someone who can appreciate them.
I actually ordered her on Thursday of last week, so I'm still waiting on getting the email to pay for her. xD Yes, it can take quite a bit for the dolls to be completed. My first doll Pnina (Petsha) took about three months or so and I almost died from waiting so long. lol After that I bought Nathan through MintOnCard when he was in stock so he took maybe four days to get to me and my other two girls I bought on the DoA marketplace. I absolutely hate waiting! But I guess this is what makes you grow fonder of the dolls and not want to part with them. :p I will admit I do have a favorite but it's soooo hard to spoil him since boys are so difficult to clothe! I'm sure you have a favorite too in your doll family. :3
Puki's are adorable! They're sooo tiny, I've heard that the Puki Puki's are even smaller though.
): It makes me sad that some of the dolls have difficulty standing up or posing. I'm sure that there is something else I saw on the forums you could do to help with their posing, I think it's called wiring? I'm not very sure on how to do it myself, but I know that it can be done to make them more sturdy. I'm almost positive that the disks help her pose a lot easier, it's probably like built in sueding. I've seen those little disks being sold on Luts but never really understood what they were for until it clicked in my head a few days ago. lol
Yes. ^.^ I speak fluid Spanish since both of my parents are Hispanic. I don't understand a lot of the slang though since I was raised in a non Spanish speaking area. Thanks to my dad's job I was able to learn English and according to my friends I sound like a "white girl". lol It's kind of funny since most people don't know I'm Hispanic unless I tell them.
Speaking of which do you know Hawaiian? It's such an interesting language but you hardly hear anyone speaking it.

Report | 02/11/2012 9:40 am


no problem with that, it's really well pixel-ed. I don't mind wearing affordable clothes, the new starter set in Barton boutique is so cute! I wish that was around back when I started gaia