
-FatefulRising-'s avatar

Birthday: 04/29

Other Places to Find Me


I'm Fate the Angry Agender and Rustler of Jimmies. I very much prefer they/them pronouns.


I've mostly quit this place. I'm really just here right now to get rid of my gold and lurk here and there a bit.


Please stop using shota and loli as cute terms. They're taken straight from shotacon and lolicon and guess what those are! Go look it up.

If you still want to use shota and loli cutely after you see where they come from, just don't talk to me.


So yeah, idk.

Don't send me random friend requests if I don't know who you are or I don't talk to you often.



go and check out this awesome friend art

more friend art you should check out

even more friend art

this person isnt on gaia but look at this great friend art too