
Okay, so.. I haven't updated this in like four years. Learn about me in the past.


NAMES: Lo, Lolo, Rielle Whiteheart (that's my pirate name), Sai's foot (Seibura no Ashi), Ashi, Sai's Nobody, Namine, the lo, Katta

RELIGION: I am and always will be a Follower of Christ.

LABEL: I'm not really into labels, but I guess I'm a little of alot of things.... Goth, Punk, tiny bit of prep (yes I know, it's sad), little nerd, little geek, little Otaku.....I'm everything! Just not ghetto......I'm not ghetto in the slightest....never will be ^_^

AGE: 16

(I'll probably add more to this section as I think of it)
(none of these are in any order)

ANIME/MANGA: Fullmetal Alchemist, Black Cat, Rurouni Kenshin, One Piece (MANGA, NOT ANIME!!! ugh.), Azumanga Diaoh, Yotsuba&, Bleach, MAR (I don't know how to get the little accent things above the 'a'), Fruits Basket

MOVIES: Moulin Rouge, Lord of the Rings, Pirates of the Caribbean, Corpse Bride, Nightmare Before Christmas, Beauty and the Beast (yes, the Disney one), Star Wars, Braveheart, Gladiator, Phantom of the Opera, Singin' in the Rain, Monty Python and the Holy Grail, The Hunchback of Notre Dame (Disney), Lion King, That Thing You Do, Howl's Flying Castle, The Village, Lady in the Water, Signs and probably a ton more.

DIRECTORS: Tim Burton, M. Knight Shamalan (or however you spell it), Hayao Miyazaki

BOOKS: Anything by Tamorah Pierce, Eragon, Eldest, The Lord of the Rings, Johnny the Homicidal Maniac, pretty much anything by Robin McKinley

SHOWS: LOST, Spongebob Squarepants, Invader Zim, M*A*S*H*, American Idol

BANDS/ARTISTS: Family Force 5, Plumb, Skillet, Pillar, Evanescence, Flyleaf, Relient K, Three Days Grace (haven't heard a ton by them though), Fireflight, Kutless (haven't been listening to them much lately), Manic Drive, Eowyn, Hyde, Gackt

VIDEO GAMES: (only putting games I've actually played! ^_^) Kingdom Hearts, Kingdom Hearts II, Final Fantasy X, LOTR: The Third Age, Metroid Prime Hunters, Animal Crossing: Wild World, Crash Nitro Kart, Final Fantasy VII, The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time (Unfortunately, it's the only Zelda game I've played so far, and I haven't even finished it yet, BUT I LOVE IT!)

FOOD: Oriental food, Sushi (yeah I know, same category, shut up), Mexican food, Pizza, BIG hamburgers, Ramen, soup, Pocky, scrambled eggs, bacon, tomato soup with TONS of cheese in it

OTHER THINGS: Roses, dried red roses, peacock feathers, meerkats, thorns, chocolate, that smell after it rains, campfires, regular fire (mwaha), rain, lightning, Christmas cookies, keychains, hoodies (especially guys' hoodies), red hair (no, this has nothing to do with him, I just have always liked red hair!), rings, old graveyards, the Otaku podcast, cathedrals, old buildings, castles, woods, lakes surrounded by trees, sunsets, sitting on the roof, drawing, photoshop, painting, eye makeup, lilies (not as much as roses though), Brian Regan, horses, cats, snow, winter, pine trees, Christmas, Halloween, my youth group, hanging out with my friends, old books, faeries, dragons, pirates, ninjas, butterflies, Johnen Vasquez, playing the piano, playing with the Rush band,


She have no hair when she wear football on the firetracks.

That is WAY funnier than a shoe.

DUDE! I didn't know Starbucks was a hippie!

If I had a band, I would totally name it "More". That way, when they announced the bands at a concert, they would be like, "This band, this band, this band, and More!!"

I didn't get a full nine sleeps.

Fighting online is like racing in the special olympics;
even if you win, you're still retarded.

Time.... Line? Time is not made out of lines. It is made out of circles. That is why clocks are round!!! -Caboose (RvB)


FFVII avvies:

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VINCENT!!! I'm pretty sure the layering wouldn't actually work for this one, but it still looks cool.

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Talk about a hard avvie! But I think it came out all right in the end ^_^
Too bad you can't see how long his hair is though...

Death Note Avvies:

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Yagami Raito (Light Yagami) From the cover of volume one of Death Note. I might actually make this one on my guy mule and enter it into the avvie arena.... I like it ^_^

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Amane Misa (Misamisa) from Death Note. Version 2! I like it ^_^


Viewing 12 of 18 friends


4 times the excitment!

Well, I guess not really 4 times the excitement.....maybe 2.....whatever.....anyway, Ima write what I want to here so deal with it! Here, I shall rant about the randomest things! Dare you click the link? I DON'T KNOW!!!


Viewing 10 of 20 comments.


Report | 11/07/2008 10:50 am


lol. yeah, i need to update. ^_^

Report | 01/16/2008 2:53 pm


you sure are creepy... jouzu.

Report | 01/06/2008 1:44 pm


you are welcome.

Report | 01/03/2008 8:22 pm


hee hee! Alice!

Report | 12/08/2007 1:43 pm


Thx for the purchas.

Report | 11/16/2007 4:15 pm


I got a puppie!!!!! ^_^

Report | 11/02/2007 2:57 pm


oooo. you look sugoi.

Report | 10/20/2007 8:45 am


tee hee. I saw this one. ^_^ DESU NOTO STARTS TONIGHT!!!!! ^_^ W00 H00!

Report | 10/04/2007 7:50 am




it is Edo chibi san!

Report | 09/22/2007 2:51 pm


you look like some kind of magical warior that can controle a dragon with music.


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made by me!!