
-- Dream Avatar --
Lala the Koala Plushie
Silver Laurels
Checkmate Void

-- General Info --
Taken by: Sneaky.
Twenty Five years of age.
Male obviously.
Very easy to get along with.
Open minded.

-- Fun Facts --
My username is Unhallowed Soul. As in an Impure Soul.
My favorite bands are Nirvana & Tool.
If you don't like either of them, then get the ******** off of my profile.
I love food. Favorites include lasagna, pizza, and cheese burgers.
I have very bad posture.
I like to study religion.
I hate people who try and force their beliefs on other people.
Don't tell me your opinion, I have my own.
My father is a drug addict and a fiend.
I am an only child.
I welcome haters. Gimme some publicity.