Rosalyn smiled, uncertainly at first, for she wasn't quite sure what to make of the bellowing laughter that seemed to shake the grove she resided in. Then, when Savva went on to agree to her suggestion, she lit up and grinned back at him.

"I would be happy to have you with me in these coming winters, else I would not have offered." She smiled at Molodoy's compliment and soon began to realize that the two, both bear and giant, where beginning to settle in for a nap.

"Rest here, dear ones." She said softly and got to her hooves, tapping at the ground for Bracken to reappear. There was much work that the hare and mare needed to due to prepare for guests and she was pleased to do so. What a delightful winter this would be.

And with that, I declare this RP: Finished!