Chatting Profile Update

You may have noticed recently that some times a Tamer Profile in this forum will get a label of {Chatting Profile} This is part of a new part of DTI trying to promote profile chatting again. Basically the point is for all of the members to talk in that profile until the chatting profile is changed. During that time the Mods will be watching (and chatting) and we will determine who among you added the most to the conversation during that time. The "winner" will receive some form of a prize which could be literally anything from gold, to items to even a Digimon. We do have rules in place though to qualify for winning a prize. Some of them i will share with you now and others are secrets to help us decide a winner.

1. You must contribute to the actual conversation, just posting a bunch or bumping will not be counted as talking.
2. There is a minimum amount of posts need to win but it is a secret, so post away.
3. No quick reply, just like with any other thread/contest.
4. Keep conversations within the realms of Gaia ToS

That's it, have fun, here is a link to the current Chatting Profile!

Oh also if you do not like you profile to be chatted in let me know and i will add you to a list so we will not use your profile for chatting, thanks.

Past Profile:
Hope the kind - 12/15/15-1/11/15 winner Prairiefox