Sometimes he was amazed how beautiful the world looked from up above. When walking amounts the mortals, he always felt the world looked dull, but from above he could see the big picture. He could see the sort of things the mortals made and he could watch them scurry around working hard. It was truly amazing.

Lately his interest had been occupied by a pride that called itself Mizani'Ulimwengu. He had heard things here and there about the pride. In the end he decided the pride was full of boring good doers. Of course there was nothing wrong with that. Utako just found mortals who did good and wanted nothing in return a bit dull.

He slowed his flight and headed to the ground. The god landed and quickly transformed into his mortal form. He walked over to a small pond and admired himself. Despite his love of his god form, Utako preferred being in his mortal form when he would be around mortals. This was partially to avoid too much attention and partially because he LOVED to surprise mortals with his true form.

After spending an appropriate amount of time looking at himself, Utako started to make his way toward the heart of the pride in hopes of running into a pride member on his way.

The pride's morals might be boring for the god, but he knew that with any situation he could make it interesting. This pride would be no different. All he needed was to find someone to start his new little game up.

Jolanka was taking a break from her pridal duties. She was walking near the border of the pride. The pride had become her home years before. She had cubs who lived in the pride, who became full fledged pride members themselves. Watching them grow up was a proud moment for her. She had found the pride when her cubs were still young. The pride had kept her safe and helped her with the cubs. At first she had no intention of staying, but the more she stayed, the more she loved the pride.

Unlike her cubs, she decided not to become a jedi. It wasn't a matter of her being too old though. Her main duty was to be there for her kids. She didn't want to have anything else distract her from being a great mother. Anyways, she knew that someone needed to do the hunting in the pride. Hunting was something she was good at, so why not use her skills?

But today wasn't about hunting. Today was a day to relax, to take a moment and look around the pride. Hunters were required to leave the pride lands when hunting. Because of this, it didn't give her much time to look around the pride lands.

As she walked, she noticed another traveler walking in the area. He was a large lion, larger than any lion she saw in the pride. Unlike her, he didn't stop. He kept walking like he hadn't seen her. While looking at him closely, she noticed that his markings were unfamiliar. Wing markings and red tribal tattoos.

“Hello there.” She greeted, wanting to get his attention. Jolanka walked toward him. He couldn't ignore her now!

Utako had been lost in his thoughts. If he had known there was a lioness near by, he would have made sure to interact with her. Lucky for him she drew him out of his thoughts. He hoped that it was to entertain him and not to tell him to scram. She was a smaller lioness. He noticed that her fur was clean and well groomed. Unlike other lioness he had come across, she seemed to lack any sort of battle scars.
“Hello,” He said, stopping so they could properly interact. “Sorry, I was lost in thought and didn't notice you. Normally I would never be that rude. I hope you can forgive me.” He bowed his head toward her.

“To be completely honest with you, I was thinking about how to get out of here. When I got into the jungle, I thought that I would be able to get out as long as I kept track of landmarks and such. But sadly, with each step I took the more lost I became. At this point, I would just be happy to find some shelter so I can rest.” Utako explained. The pride that helped anyone in need. Of course she would help him.

Jolanka knew that the jedi did their best to protect anyone in need, but she wasn't sure about this lion. She felt there was something odd about him, that he was too willing to ask for help. Looking around, she could see there were no guardians around. She could tell him that the land was hostile hope he would leave. But if he was really lost he could get into a panic.

“Well, I don't know about any shelter in the area. There are a lot of critters who call this jungle home. If you would like, I can help you scout out an appropriate spot to make a den. Then tomorrow I can help you find your way out of the jungle.” She said giving him a pleasant smile.

Her reaction, though kind, was not the one he expected. He wondered why she wasn't taking him to her pride. Weren't they supposed to be willing to help those in need? Wasn't he in need? He stayed calm though. “I would appreciate that. My legs are tired from walking so far, I could really use a break. After I rest a little I might see about going on a hunting trip.”

This made Jolanka frown. He couldn't hunt here. That was a rule for any guest in their land. “If you hunt, you must do so outside the jungle.” She said. She would have to come clean about the pride now. “In the heart of the jungle is a pride called Mizani'Ulimwengu. They protect this jungle and the creatures that inhabit it. If you want to stay on the land, you must follow the rules.”

Utako grinned at her. “Well, if there is a pride near by, why don't you take me there? I need food and shelter. I am sure the residents of Mizani'Ulimwengu would be more then happy to help me out. If they are the protectors of the jungle and I am a visitor of the jungle, shouldn't that mean they want my safety as well? Or do they pick and choose who they keep safe?” He asked. He was in the right, he knew that for sure. She might not want to help him out, but he knew her pride would. He couldn't help but wonder why she wasn't willing to help him.

The more he spoke, the more she did not trust him. “If you need food, I will bring you some. The pride is a recourse for those in need. It is not for the greedy. I do not trust you, so I have decided I will not take you to the pride.” She said. He was not the type of lion she wanted around her children. The more he talked, the more she was sure of it. “My offer still stands, I will help you as much as I can. But I will not take you to my pride.”

“Interesting. But what is stopping me from just going there. Eventually you will need to go back. I could easily just follow you.”

Jolanka smiled at him. “Well, I guess that I will just have to watch you and nurse you back to health. Once you are well rested, we can travel out of the jungle together. I can help you do some hunting and once you've had your share of food, we can go on our separate ways. There will be no need for you to go to the pride.”
Utako laughed. “Alright. This deal doesn't sound half bad. Being waited on by a lovely lioness could be a lot of fun.”

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