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Moose: With her son's family safely tucked in for the evening, Kipenzi took it upon herself to explore their surroundings. She hadn't been gone from the pride long, so the area was still fairly familiar, but still new enough to hold interest. Of course, the spotted lioness stayed close enough to the others just in case. Her spunk had returned, but her fearlessness had been destroyed long ago.Long, skinny legs carried the feminine female across the mountainous terrain and into the surrounding woodlands. From here she could still see the border if she squinted hard enough, though any lions residing on it were nothing but specks. It made her wonder if that's all she had been in the grand scheme of the prides history; just a little speck. She had joined with no other purpose than to be mated to a male she barely knew, and after two litters...she felt as if she barely knew herself.Kipenzi picked up her stride and walked further into the woods. She didn't expect answers here, but a walk should be able to clear her head so

nessiaing: Drury had only been out of the pride for short period, perhaps a week now. The red maned lion was already feeling better being outside the borders of the pride. It was in theory the pride he had lived with his whole life although the geography had changed. He knew within it was the same pride though, a pride that was cursed. He felt a ripple go through his fur he couldn't be happier that he had gotten away from along with his daughter Ummi.

He cringed a little as his thought drifted back to his small daughter, the spitting image of his mother her grandmother. The pride had been trying to kill his daughter, just as it had killed his mother. His daughter was safe now, still healing the avalanche that had fallen on her had done a great deal of damage. Drury was stiil sad about it but he was trying to make himself feel good about that he had saved her.

Moose: In her wanderings Kipenzi traveled to a well worn area, and looked about. It seemed as if they weren't the only ones to call this spot home, which was something of an odd thought. Who else would be this close to the pride? Granted, Uongo and his mates hadn't gone far because his mates were older, but this...Curiosity got the better of her, which had Kipenzi moving in closer...Only to spot her ex-mates half-brother. "Drury?" Kipenzi's voice was a questioning squeak, one brow quirked. "What are you doing out here?"

nessiaing: Drury had been lost in thought thinking of his dauther and if he should be getting back to her. He had admittedly wanted to get further away from the pride than they had but with Ummi's injuries that hadn't been an option. Drury had done the best he could given the situation and had basically carried her to this point and left her resting in a den.

When he heard the voice of another he froze unreasonably worried that someone from the pride had come to take them back, which of course was a rediculous notion. He looked throught the shadows surprised to see the blond mane of Kipenzi. A female that came from the same pride has him, though if he was not mistaken she had left it behind a little before he did.

"I fled." he said quietly to the female, "I took Ummi and I got us away from that cursid place." He moved closer to her speaking whispers.

Moose: Sensing the shift in his mood, Kipenzi watched his lips carefully and picked up as much of his words as she could. Of course, her tone wasn't a whisper at all, nor was it yelling; being deaf, Kipenzi just never knew how loud she was supposed to be anymore."You fled?" Kipenzi blinked, her olive eyes taking in the sullen male. "Drury, did something happen?...Where's Ummi?" Even though she asked him, Kip knew. She just hoped it wasn't as dire as her imagination was turning it into. Sidling up next to the male, Kipenzi offered her mental strength to him as well as what comfort she could.

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nessiaing: As the female came up beside Drury the dark blue shifted his weight to lean on her for just a momment. He liked having someone to lean on, he knew that Kipenzi had once loved his mother just as he had and having her here with him even if it was just for a moment eased tension he wasn't even aware he had till now.

He moved away from her again turning so that she could see his face again. "Ummi is resting. She was caught in an avalanche. She has been injured, her back legs don't work the right way anymore." He paused for a moment before he said the next bit, he knew that if anyone Kip would know how much it was going to effect her life, "She has also lost her hearing." he said dropping his gaze down.

Moose: Kipenzi took his weight upon her as easily as if he had been there from the start. If there was anything she was used to by now it was caring for Kabu's sons during times of distress. She also knew that, like Eku, Drury hadn't been the same since her passing, which made her suspect that same grief played a part in this.Unfortunately, she was right. Kipenzi wouldn't hide her shocked gasp, nor her widened expression. "Oh, that poor girl." Her voice was barely above a murmur, dropping low out of unconscious empathy. Such a drastic disability would ruin any chance that Ummi had of leading an unassisted life. Possibly of even having cubs, should she live long enough to ponder them. And when the bombshell hit Kip became silent. Lowering her gaze, Kipenzi did nothing to hide the tears in her eyes. "...She's...that poor, sweet girl..." Swaying her head back and forth, she murmured a few non-sensible things and looked back to Drury. "Let me help you. My son, Uongo, and his mates aren't far off. This is traumatizing enough for you both without having to suffer through it alone." And in a much softer tone, she added, "I can teach Ummi when she's feeling up to it. Reading lips isn't easy, and I can't show her everything I know, but I can try."

nessiaing: Drury soaked in the sympathies of a female he had known for a good chunk of his life. She the only other soul he had talked to about any of this and it felt good to not be taking the weight of it all on his own anymore.

"It was the pride, the lands, not the members but the pride itself. You know that Kip it is cursed. It came after Ummi like it came after mom." he told her his voice sad. He did his best not to turn his head downward knowing enough that Kip wouldn't be able to understand him if he were to look away completely.

"I can take you to where she is resting I will need help moving her." He was sure how Kip was going to respond to seeing Ummi in her condition.

"I don't want to stay in this area too long thogh, I want to get far far away Kip. None of us will be safe while we live this close. Least of all Ummi who looks so much like Momma."

Moose: It was harder to read Drury when he was like this, but Kipenzi tried. If he could make the effort to meet her gaze, then she could try to keep it. "...I can't say that it is, but I can't say it isn't, either." Her own son, just a cub during the fire, had taken enough smoke into his lungs that she feared the little one would die. Thank goodness he, at least, had pulled through. Kipenzi made soothing noises and pulled him close with a paw. "You're wrong, Drury; it's not the same as it was with your mom. Kabu didn't have any spirits watching after her, but Ummi did." She gave a soft smile. "Your mama brought that girl back to you. I know she's hurt, but she did the best she could so it's up to us now to get her to right again." There was no doubt in her mind that that wiley ol' lioness had been watching over her granddaughter. The fires may have taken Kabu, but the mountain would never take Ummi. "We'll leave as soon as we've made sure Ummi is stable. I'm sure the others will agree." Her tone was comforting; rig
ight now Drury needed all the help he could get. "Come on now, let's go to her and then I'll go get Uongo. If we make some sort of sled you and he can carry her."

nessiaing: Drury nodded he knew no one really believed him about the cursed pride and how it want Ummi like it had wanted his mother. He had no other way of understanding why it would have injured his daughter that looked so much like his mother instead of anyone else, not that he wished injury on others.

"Okay come this way I will take you to where she is resting." he said turning from her finally to lead her futher into the forest to a den he had left Ummi sleeping in.

Moose: Kipenzi followed after him. At some point the others would become concerned by her absence and hopefully they would come looking for her. It would certainly save her a walk in going after them. For your father's sake, my girl, I hope that you make it through. For even if she was in a stable condition now that could change so quickly. Kipenzi just hoped it never happened.