Masque considered his words in silence for a moment or two, unable to think of a counter argument she could give voice to that would not sound like denial or mere falsity. She supposed she had indeed been around the wrong Soquili, considering what her sister had gone through with her previous mate and others like him. Though some of them were far too cunning indeed for her to agree they were merely stupid, they could still fall safely under the category of wrong. But then again, they were not here and Avant was, and since he seemed to so easily surpass them she didn't really care to give them much more thought then that.

"I suppose I have." She agreed lightly enough. "And while not all of them were dim, it is true enough they did not see or hear as clearly as you seem to. Whether that is my failing or theirs, I could not say. Regardless, I am not sorry to see the last of them."

His warning was interesting, considering she probably should be very much cautious of him, and yet she had already shared a song and some talk. Even as she agreed with the statement she retorted in a way that was both jest and honest reply. "Very sound advice, coming from one I should probably treat with far more caution than I have on this fine day. Then again, I suppose it is a bit too late, at least in this instance hmmm?"

She considered his questions about her song, then decided that to explain some of the matter was largely harmless. "As I mentioned earlier, my family is actually well-known for their singing gifts, going back to my Grandsire. It is not clear if my Granddam could sing or if she merely caught his eye, child of another land as she was. I know she was born of the desert and wore many fine tokens of that land. I knew he fell for her beauty and they had several children."

She paused to smile faintly at the thought of it, for she had never known her grandparents and this was one of the few stories she had of them. Family feuds were hard, even on those that were not involved. "Anyway, my father took the strongest after my Grandsire, his song and flight are unequaled in my eyes. Likewise my elder sister and I favor him over our mothers, and it is from that I think that most of our song flows. My sister too has my sire's wings and his ability to dance the wind, but I have always danced more than they. Because his gifts are strong my father insisted on lessons to hone our skills, but much of it is natural talent that has merely been shaped and schooled into a more finished skill. Father did always warn us to take care with our songs, it is one of the reasons I do not sing to an audience very often, if ever."

She waited in silence for his answer about an adventure, amusement brightening her eyes. "This? This qualifies as an adventure? But good sir, I am not in peril and in no need of rescuing.. Certainly there are no dragons about to slay or warriors to fight. By my reckoning, this is a most tame afternoon stroll with a bit of music and pleasant conversation."

Masque gave a laugh. "I think you flatter me unnecessarily much... Either that, or you are accusing me of being the monster you will have to face and fight!"