Edelsteine NPCs

Active NPCs

Linked Name/Patron god/type/race and-or title/color/Current Whereabouts

Aoide NPCs

Reithnaku "Li" - follows Xun - created aoide - Earthwarder black aspect - #770066 - PANTHEON/AZEROTH
Iohannes "Tempest" Mallow - follows Taj - Created aoide - mage -blueviolet - PANTHEON
Enjiron "Hawke" Vryce - follows Tien - Created aoide - Eshurian warrior -firebrick - PANTHEON
Croigos "Xue" - follows Xun Jiang - Created aoide - Azerothian blue dragon aspect - #2d44b8 - PANTHEON/AZEROTH
Excentrique & Pretzel - follows Taj - Event demon aoide & trapped demonsoul - indigo & olive - PANTHEON
Illiad - follows Valor - Event Naga aoide - seagreen - PANTHEON
Siddhi - follows Taj - Event Lotus aoide - tomato - PANTHEON
Mirshu - follows Taj - Event Undead aoide - olive - PANTHEON
Rasmus - follows Taj - Event Undead aoide - darkorange - PANTHEON
Restaminthrybal - follows Taj - Event custom Labyrinth master aoide - cornflower - PANTHEON
Arlecchino - follows Lisana - Event Demon aoide - violet - PANTHEON
Jhyett - follows Lisana - Event Feline aoide - black - PANTHEON
Dat - follows Lisana - EVent Faery aoide - cranberry - PANTHEON
The Timekeeper - follows Taj - Created aoide - #956c95 - PANTHEON/EARTH

Standard Troublemaker NPCs

Trell - trouble - Demon - olive - UNKNOWN
Pretzel - trouble - Demon - olive - PANTHEON

Heroic Mortal NPCs

Rejali Arzuli - follows Lisana - Baadrite heroic mortal - darkmagenta - PANTHEON
Alfonze Marshal - follows Dollmaker - Gaian heroic mortal - magenta - PANTHEON
Jazz - follows ??? - Gaian heroic mortal - orange - PANTHEON
Syon - follows Chance - Gaian heroic mortal - red - PANTHEON
Ravyn - follows Carp - Irish heroic mortal - Earth - darkgreen - PANTHEON
Morghana - follows Lisana - Irish heroic mortal - Earth - darkgreen - PANTHEON

Major NPCs

Zilv Helviiryn – follows Takeru - Terran Drow/Oniwanjin White Wolf clan - #3344cc or #00ccff - PANTHEON/EARTH
Taejihn no Taisho – follows Takeru - Terran Oniwanjin White Wolf clan - #3300ff - PANTHEON/EARTH
Moxi, aka Gardenia Lace Therin – follows Takeru – Terran Oniwanjin Moura clan leader - #ff7700 - PANTHEON/EARTH
Kaza no Taisho - follows Takeru - Terran Oniwanjin White Wolf clan #996633 - PANTHEON/EARTH
Madrigal Araven - follows Mystery - Gaian elf/human - #7700cf - PANTHEON/EARTH
Salinath Firestrider - follows Ankou - Azerothian blood elf death knight - #777799 - PANTHEON/EARTH
Saljin - follows Taj - Gaian Elf - violet – PANTHEON
Yidji noir Elisee - follows ??? - Old Blood Vampire - UNKNOWN
Zeruban Altair - follows ??? - Old Blood Vampire - UNKNOWN
Mi'shala - follows Taj - Gaian Seelie/Unseelie - PANTHEON
Jivin natu Vrelish - follows ??? - Kirijin Clan Oniwanjin - #2A0A0A - PANTHEON/EARTH
Ronan Encarna - follows ??? - Eshurian - - PANTHEON
Cyrillin Vryce - follows Taj - Eshurian - blueviolet - PANTHEON/EARTH
Xander Vryce - follows Taj - Eshurian - blueviolet - PANTHEON
Graey Wrenn- follows Taj - Gaian mortal - olive - PANTHEON
Yeti - follows Lisana - ????? - #872657 - PANTHEON
Penney - follows Nuhava - Gaian mortal??? - salmon - PANTHEON
The twins - ??? – Terran Human - PANTHEON
Naligosa - ??? - blue dragon - Pantheon- seagreen - PANTHEON/AZEROTH
Joe Jaxton - ??? - Gaian mortal - olive - PANTHEON
Xelagos – ??? - blue dragon - Croix's son - #3104B4 - PANTHEON

Moderate NPCs

Li'ena - follows Taj - Gaian Unseelie - rosybrown - PANTHEON
Hasheem Kharez - follows Lisana - green - PANTHEON
Kayan - follows Tien ??? - Gaian elf - violet - PANTHEON
Jesran Vryce - follows Tien - Eshurian - - PANTHEON
Mirian Vryce - follows Tien - Eshurian - - PANTHEON
Yuri - follows Taj - Aiko - teal - PANTHEON
Moonshadow -follows Taj - Aiko - teal - PANTHEON
Sable - follows Taj - Aiko - Free for Aichen to use as necessary - teal - PANTHEON

Minor NPCs

Anji - follows Taj - Oni - - PANTHEON
Hagenti - follows Taj - Oni - - PANTHEON
Aly'Strya - follows Taj - Gaian Unseelie - PANTHEON
Aphoni - follows Lisana - Gaian Seelie - PANTHEON
Mollygoggle & fiends - follows Taj - Fiend - ??? - PANTHEON/EARTH
Tai Sefan - follows Lisana - Baadrite - ??? - PANTHEON
Zahra Sefan - follows Lisana- Baadrite - ??? - PANTHEON
Sod - follows Lisana - ???? - green - PANTHEON
Ziasheng Whiteshadow - follows Valor - Shado pan Pandaren - PANTHEON/AZEROTH
Yang Nightsword - follows Valor - Shado pan Pandaren - PANTHEON/AZEROTH
Rhody - follows Tilion - Gaian heroic mortal - violet - PANTHEON
Phin - follows Cosine - Gaian heroic mortal - green - PANTHEON
Thibault - follows Arctang - Baadrite heroic mortal - brown – PANTHEON
Puck - follows Taj - Faery prince - goldenrod – PANTHEON
Fashad Arzuli - follows Lisana - Baadrite - cornflower - PANTHEON
Sayd Iban - follows Lisana - Baadrite - olive - PANTHEON
Kinjin Vryce - follows Valor - Eshurian - goldenrod - PANTHEON
Ataxis Vryce - follows Tien - Eshurian - cornflower - PANTHEON
Delphine - follows Taj - Selvindan - darkgreen - PANTHEON
Felista - follows Taj - Gaian Elf - darkblue - PANTHEON
Sha'dera - follows Taj - Gaian elf - darkgreen – PANTHEON
Sinestra - trouble - Gaian mortal - black - PANTHEON