(AIM rp between Sabra Knight's Ishika and my Rakasta.)




Everywhere! Rakasta couldn’t turn her head without seeing some cub wobbling behind their mother, looking for something to latch onto and suckle. Part of her was envious and the other…she shivered. The darker pelted lioness couldn’t stand the way that they were so co-dependent on their mother and the worst of it? They became ADULTS. Not that that was bad thing, but when push came to shove they would move out to start their own family. Meaning that eventually dear old mom would become a Grandmother.
There was no way she was even going to think about that. Cubs! They’d be the death of every female in the land. She looked down at the water so close to her shrine, tugging at the corners of her eyes. If she had cubs, what would happen to her beautiful face? Her luscious figure and naturally bodacious looks? Gone, that’s what. Soon enough she would be crawling with attention hungry mouths, all vying for her attention. It was positively horrific to think about.

Walking through the pride lands little Ishika found herself getting further and further away from the den where the rest of her family was sleeping. Bold and curious the little leopardess found herself following a rather worn trail. Maybe this was one of those paths that the guides always took the strangers through. Smiling to herself the cub nodded. That had to be it! Oooh, just thinking about all the possible stories that had happened on this very stretch of land made her excited.

This was definitely an adventure!

Humming to herself Ishika hopped along towards a newer shrine. Though the real meaning behind the shrine might be lost to such young ears the cub was heading towards the shrine of pleasure. Though admittedly her gaze was torn from the shrine as she noticed the pretty lioness looking into the water, “Why are you makin’ faces at it?” Ishika automatically skipped to peer after the lioness into the water, “Does it look back?”

Gods above, no. Rakasta groaned and rolled her head over to look at the little leopardess cub. She was cute, really she was, but at that moment Rakasta had to stop herself from screaming at the little thing just to get her to go away. “Because life is cold.” She grumbled, looking back down into the water with a sigh.

Rakasta reminded herself that the girl was just a cub, and with a smile, gently brought the cub in for a cuddle with a swipe of her paw. “What do you see in the water, little one?”

Tilting her head the cub tried to make sense of what the lioness was saying. “Cold? But it’s so warm out today!” Smiling brightly she nodded. Yep, maybe this lioness was getting sick if she was cold already. She would have to ask her mother later about it. If she was sick then she needed help to recover. If she knew more then she would try…maybe keeping company would be enough. She was good at talking and stories. She loved to tell stories!

Cuddling close the little leopardess smiled, “Maybe now you’ll be warm and not cold.” At the lioness’s question Ishika blinked before peering into the water, “I see me and a pretteee lioness.” Grinning she looked back up to the keeper, “I see the sky too and maybe a magic land, but we’re in front of it all.”

Rakasta rolled her eyes with a grin. If only she had that youthful innocence about her, then maybe age wouldn’t seem like such a bad thing after all. “I’m much warmer now with you at my side.” Rakasta picked up a paw, and poked her lightly on the nose before touching the spot she’d poked with her own nose. For all her bemoaning, Rakasta really did love cubs. When they were nice, and not bratty, that is. “Haha! Do you now? A magic land, the sky, and a pretty lioness? What about the dark furred Princess, hmm? She’s little, so maybe you missed her. Have another look.”

Ishika smiled. “That’s good!” Giggling at her achievement the leopardess wrinkled her nose as it was touched. That felt funny, but nice. Still she poked her nose in the lioness’s fur and stayed still for a full moment before pulling out. Heh.

“Mmm’hmm. A magic land where the sky blends in with the water. Sometimes I see others there too, but they’re usually all white and really fluffy.” She grinned up at the lioness before shaking her head, “I don’t think there’s a princess. Is there?” Peering back she looked closely to the water and ended up poking her nose into her reflection.

“Do you mean the clouds? Or Gods? Because they’re usually fluffy, though not always white.” She ruffled the little leopards head affectionately, snuggling and then fixing it back just as fast. “Woah there!” Rakasta swooped her paw between the cub and the water. “Not so close, dear. If you stick your nose into her realm, the Princess won’t let you look at her anymore. She’s very shy like that. Just pull back a little, and look again.”

Even if the cub would have been fine in the water, Rakasta wasn’t taking in chances with someone else’s cub. Her luck the little twit would drown herself, and then she’d have to explain to the whole pride. Not to mention the guilt. “She’s got black fur, and it has little spots on it.”

“I dunno. Gods would be cooler.” Ishika nodded content with her story. They lived amongst the gods in her pride it seemed with all the keepers and shrines. It would be a shame for them to never visit then. The leopard smiled. Maybe some of the strangers that came through were actually gods. That would be interesting.

“Alright.” Looking back at the lioness the cub had to giggle, “Are you worried that I’ll fall into her realm?” Ishika sighed, “It doesn’t work, I just get wet then.” Still she peered towards the water. Was there really a princess in there? She just kept seeing herself. And she didn’t feel like a princess…right?

Rakasta couldn’t argue against it. Gods did sound cooler than clouds by far. She could only hope that one day she would actually have the good fortune to meet one in person. Preferably the one whose shrine she tended, but beggars couldn’t be choosers.

“Shhh, enough of that talk. Just look.” Rakasta gave her a moment to ponder, and then grinned. “Do you see her? She is the Princess of her father’s heart, and the Goddess of her mother’s soul. I don’t think I’ve ever seen a prettier being in my entire life.”

Ishika just peered into the water a moment longer, her eager mouth twisted into a silent ponder, as the lioness spoke. What a lucky princess that was then! Though she had to smile. Was she possibly that princess then really? It would be nice to think of herself as a treasure for her parents. The thought made her happy.

But still she had to giggle at the lioness comment. “No way!” Nudging against the lioness, Ishika shook her head. “You’re silly to say such a thing.” Still the cub was happy to hear the lioness’s tale about the princess. “I have to go write your story now.” Grinning the leopardess took a step away and waved her tail in farewell before bouncing away towards the dens.

“Silly?” Rakasta laughed, rolling on her side to peer up at the little leopard cub. “Wait, what are you going to writ-? Oh, never mind.” By then, the little one had already left, and was no doubt on her way to record this adventure for all of time. It was amusing to say the least, but a bit daunting.

Now that Rakasta had met a cub worth associating with, she was more confused than ever. Were cubs a good or a bad thing? Then she thought back on the little one fondly. They must have potential either way, she concluded. I just hope I get the good ones.

(WC: 1,353)