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THIS place was new!

Green paws practically danced as Shinsei trotted into unfamiliar territory, having found herself stuck on a log after a freak tide forced her onto it, and adrift. But now, she was on land, and the cheetah was eager to explore. Was it deserted? Populated? She HAD to see, and the cheetah merrily sprinted for the sake of stretching and running. She missed running.


Sere had been sleeping. It was tiring, dealing with Duo and Shini, and adding Shini's cubs into the mix just made him even MORE tired. So he was napping while he could. Or he had been anyways. Until the squeal of joy woke him up. Gods dammit! He opened one red eye, growling.
"Pipe it down! Some felines are trying to sleep, you idiot!" At least it wasn't Duo being the idiot again. The voice was too female.

Shinsei jumped, and tripped on a log in her surprise.
"Huh-OW!" She grimaced in oplace, trying to get up. HOLYSHITSOMEONEELSE!
"Uhhh... Who's there?!" She huddled. GHOOOOOOOOST!

Sere blinked...and sighed. Yup. An idiot. He stood up, shaking himself. "I am. And you're being loud and idiotic." He raised a brow. "And pathetic looking."

"Sorry for not knowing where I am." She grumbled, rising slowly, lifting a leg.
"So this place IS populated?"

Not know...Sere looked at her like she was an idiot. She really was stupid if she didn't know where she was. "Yes, it is. This is the L2 colony island. How the hell do you not know where you are?"

She blinked.
"Erm....." She sweatdropped.
"I kind of floated her on a log. So I'm not from here." She seemed to pick up on the grumpy, tthough, and poked him with a paw."
"What's wrong with noty knowing anyhow?"

Sere stared. "You managed to get past any guards that would have been guarding the borders of the mainland, got stuck on a log, and managed to float here without aid?" He shook his head. "You have the dumbest luck of anyone I've encountered. And the guards I mentioned are why it's more than a little odd you have no idea where you are. Generally, they...inform you of your location." He bat her poking paw off.

She looked thoughtful.
"So THAT'S what those assholes were. I popped a hole in their egos and out ran them after they called me Spackles." She shrugged. "I was hiding in a cove but the tide came in, so, on a log I went."

Sere sighed. "You're an idiot." He grumbled debating what to do about her. If the Soldiers came looking for her, trouble could occur.

"Oh, I'm sorry, do I not fit into youre narrow minded view of the world? I'm -so- sorfry." She swatted him.
"Grumpy-a**. You think I wanted to get stuck on a log or insu,lted? Do I need to bitchslap you?"

Sere dodged the swat, growling. "It's not a narrow-minded view. I'm trying to account for the fact the Soldiers may decide to come looking for you. And that's not something we need. They already cause enough trouble on the colonies without something specific to look for."

"Not like I'd do it on porpuse. For someone who talks big, you sure sound selfish." She bristled a bit.
"And I'm not afraid of some fat, laid back slob. I can protect myself."
Yup. A rogue. She preened neatly, testing her leg, and sat, grooming herself.
"You need to wake up and smell reality. I don't get caught if I don't want to and I'm not gonna be and if they want to start s**t, I'll finish it."
A rogue, with a pair of fictional cahoonies.

Sere stared at her. She really didn't understand a thing. He sighed and shook his head. "The Soldiers that come out to the Colonies are anything but fat slobs. It's you who needs to wake up and smell reality. Would you like to know what you've stumbled across in your ignorance?"

"Why? If your going to be so negative and defeatist, I don't care, and your wasting valuable air." She stood straight.
"So who'sw the idiot, the coward or the lost?" She sniffed. Men. honestly.

"In truth, I'm being neither negative nor defeatist. I'm pointing out the facts as they currently stand." Facts it sounded like he was planning on changing. "Knowing when to fight and when to hide is not cowardice. It's making sure you don't die uselessly. Now, unless you'd like to die uselessly, I would suggest following me." He turned to head towards where he and the others were staying, hiding. Pfft...women. This one was worse than Shini!

"Fine!" Though her tone was releif, and she began to follow. She wasn't saying anything to let him 'win'... But the idea of others seemed to be on her mind. She'd never confess that she was lonely.

Sere rolled his eyes and started off, making sure to take the route that would mean little to no chance of them being followed. And started to explain to her the situation on the way. About the opression, the murder of Heero Yuy and the Priest G before himself. About the sort of things the Soldiers and Aristocrats did. And how some colonists were beginning to organize a way to fight back. They would make the colonies what the founders had intended them to be again. They would be free again.

Not that an outsider would truly know what that meant to the colonists.

Silence. The female seemed to listen, finally speaking.
"This G-- he was your friend, wasn't he?"
That explained his attitude, anyhow. She pawed at him a bit, calmler now.
"I want to help. I'm fast if nothing else."

Sere felt his heart clench. "He was more than a friend. He was like a father to me." Despite bearing the Legodimo name, his own parents had vanished when he was just a cub. If it hadn't been for his mentor, he likely never would have remembered a thing about them. He looked over to the female when she pawed at him. "It wouldn't be easy. You'd be at risk of being hunted, tortured, maybe even killed."

There was a sad look on her face at Sere's words, and she shrugged.
"I don't have anything to lose... Honestly. I haven't seen my family in a long time, since I was young, and they never... Looked or missed or noticed me much. So it won't matter. I want to help." She licked his cheek.
"I'm sorry for waking you up. My name's Shinsei Batsu."
No surname, no family name, from the sound of it.

Sere blinked when she licked his cheek, and raised a brow...but nodded. "You wouldn't be the only one abandoned or orphaned on L2. Welcome to the resistance, Shinsei Batsu. I'm Seremotšatši Legodimo, also known as Priest G." Perhaps she could be useful. He'd find out soon enough. At the very least, she might give Shini someone to talk crazy to.

Shinsei bowed, smiling.
"It's a pleasure to meet you. G." She smiled again, huddling close to curl up. Finally, she felt safe.