xxxxA M E L I Axxx"A I M E E"xxxM C H A L E N xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

          xxxB A S I C S xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              NICKNAMES Aimee

              AGE 18

              BIRTHDAY August 26th, 2020

              BLOOD STATUS Halfblood

              WAND 10 inches, Ebony, Hippogriff feather, rigid and smooth

              GENDER Female

              SEXUAL ORIENTATION Pansexual

              FACECLAIM Hailee Steinfeld [x]

          xxxS C H O O L A N D C A R E E R xxxxxx
              ATTENDING Hogwarts School of Witchcraft and Wizardry

              HOUSE Slytherin

              CLASS OF 2038

              BEST LESSONS

              WORST LESSONS

              OWL SCORES
                  Astronomy ~ P
                  Charms ~ O
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ O
                  Herbology ~ E
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ E
                  Transfiguration ~ O
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Arithmancy ~ T
                  Art ~ D
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ A
                  Divination ~ P
                  Ghoul and Ghost Studies ~ A
                  Healing ~ O
                  Music ~ D
                  Mythology ~ E
                  Muggle Studies ~ E
                  Study of Ancient Runes ~ P
                  Wandless Magic ~ O
                  Wandlore Studies ~ A
                  Wizard Law ~ D

              NEWT SCORES
                  Charms ~ EE
                  Defense Against the Dark Arts ~ EE
                  Herbology ~ O
                  History of Magic ~ A
                  Potions ~ A
                  Transfiguration ~ A
                  Alchemy ~ A
                  Care of Magical Creatures ~ O
                  Cursebreaking ~ A
                  Healing ~ O
                  Wandless Magic Practice ~ EE

              CURRENT EMPLOYMENT Student

              DREAM JOB Magizoologist

          xxxP E R S O N A L I T Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
              ■ CONTROLLED She is meticulous and logical. She makes decisions based on whats best for her, not taking others into account very often, unless others will affect her or her life. Every move she makes is cold and calculated and she knows exactly what the outcome will be.
              ■ OPTIMISTIC Aimee is optimistic in a way. She never lets the world get her down, but she also knows exactly how to win no matter what. How can she be down if she is always winning? She can spin any situation to be in her favour.
              ■ INSECURE She knows she's pretty, and she knows she's smart deep down, but she forgets it sometimes. She doesn't understand why anyone would want to be friends with her or like her.
              ■ COMPETITIVE Competitive is an understatement for her. She likes to compete and she loves to win. Winning is her favourite thing to do, and she does everything in her power to do so.
              ■ SARCASTIC You have to take everything Aimee says with a grain of salt. She will say one thing, but her tone completely implies the opposite. Her words are all venemous and come complete with an eye roll or hair flip.
              ■ DISAGREEABLE Lets just say... she's not a people person. She's cold and quiet and very very stiff. She doesn't meld well with people or groups. Friends are hard to come by for her which made for a rather lonely childhood.

                  Being Alone
                  Her New Home
                  Sweet Food

                  Her Mother
                  Large Crowds

                  Is Sleeping A Hobby?

                  Calculating Risks


                  Never Making Friends
                  Being a Disappointment

      xxxH I S T O R Y xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
          CHILDHOOD She was born to a muggle mother, and very early on strange things happened around her. Her mother always explained it away like it was nothing, but Aimee was always pretty sure she just didn't want to admit there was something strange going on. When she was 4 her mother started dating a guy named Jamie who liked Amelia far more than he liked her mother. When her mother was away Jamie would play games with her and then tell her not to tell her mother. Eventually Aimee told her mum only to be told it was all her fault and locked in her room for a week. When she was 6 her mum began dating Charles. And Charles was always worse than Jamie. Right from the start. Again Aimee tried to tell her mum only to be called a whore. Charles convinced her mother it was a one time thing and they stayed together only for him to punish Aimee severely for telling. She never did tell again.... When she was in 3rd grade the school sent her to a psychologist because of all the strange things. She was diagnosed with depression and "hallucinations". When she turned 11 and the letter came, it was a relief for her and a horror story for her mother. Aimee wasn't crazy! She was just a witch! A day or so after the letter a man showed up on her doorstep to help her shop for her school supplies and explain the magical world to her... only her mother recognized the man. She screamed at him and called him a monster, and then literally threw Aimee at the man and locked the door. Turns out... the man, Michael McHalen, was her father. She immediately dropped her mother's name and took his. Anything was better than her mother and Charles.

          SCHOOL YEARS
              FIRST YEAR In her first year, she met Caty and a few others and immediately became best friends with Caty. For a short period of time she had a crush on her friend Ralph but later she developed a crush on Caty. She is still crushing on her, but she is good at hiding it and ignoring it. She went on a valentines date with Caty and told her she liked her but they agreed to just stay friends for now because it was just a crush and would go away. She also decided to be friends with Leon even if he continued to act like he didn't like her at all. She's throwing a house party over summer so Michael will finally believe she actually made friends.
              SECOND YEAR Her second year started off terribly. On the train she was stuck in a compartment with what felt like a billion people and she ended up running out with Collin and joining Leon which only pissed off Leon of course. And then at the feast Raymond accosted her and sent her into a panic attack which had her running from the hall, only for him to follow her like an idiot. Of course that only made it worse. The only good thing that came from it was that Leon kind of finally admitted he didn't hate her. That was nice at least. Also according to Caty he called her dove which apparently meant love which Caty was all coocoo for coco puffs about. That girl was crazy somedays.
              THIRD YEAR In the summer before her third year, Aimee met a boy that she immediately fell head over heels for. At first it all seemed magical. He seemed lovely and nice and perfect. But as Aimee has learned over and over again now, fairy tales aren't real. And like a nightmare, Derrick turned from Prince Charming into a Demon. At first he was just angry at her for stupid things. Then he told her that she wasn't allowed to talk to her friends anymore because apparently Leon wanted her and Derrick didn't like that. But that was crazy! Leon was just her best friend... right? But Leon definitely didn't like Derrick. That much she knew. The first time he hit her was after the sorting feast that year. Well he had shoved her once over summer but she'd thought it'd been an accident.... But after the soting feast he slapped her in the face so hard she thought she was going to cry. But she didn't. And it only escalated from there. He would push her around, slam her into walls and tables, punch her. He learned to not hit her face only because people would question that and he knew how terrible Aimee was at lying. He also became so controlling that Aimee was being forced to skip classes, meals, and never saw her friends. He even went as far as to control exactly what she wore and ripped up or destroyed any outfits she owned that he didn't like. One night he had her in a dark dungeon room all by himself and he went to far She ended up running from him and in the scuffle of him trying to keep her their she broke a few ribs and her wrist, but she ended up getting away and into her common room where he couldn't get to her. Leon found her like that and she ended up telling him everything Derrick had done and everything Charles and Jamie had done as well. She wasn't sure how detailed she got. It had all been a sort of blur. Leon ended up taking her to the infirmary and after that she must have slept for 24 hours straight or something but when she woke up, her friends were all there. Caty sobbing about how she hadn't been there to protect her, and Di trying to give her advice, Colin just sitting their quietly... really the only person missing was Leon... but he had been the one to get her there... so maybe he was just Aimee'd out. No one really told her anything about Derrick for a couple days. She figured they thought she was too weak to handle it or something. She ended up finding out while still being kept in the hospital wing cuz she wandered and found not only Derrick but also Leon who seemed to be rather in shock over what he'd done. She didn't really get the full story but enough to realize it was Leon who'd done that to Derrick... And she of course blamed herself. If she hadn't been friends with any of them, Leon would be fine. it wouldn't matter that no one would have been there to save her. At least he would be okay. She had never cared what happened to her but what happened to her loved ones was huge. Derrick ended up dropping out of the school, and she hid herself away from all her friends and classes for the rest of the year. She was too afraid to get close to the only for any of them to get hurt again. It seemed all she did was bring pain to everyone she loved.
              FOURTH YEAR Fourth year was interesting.... She didn't say a word to Leon all year, Caty was still kind of funky and she made a new friend... His name is Viktor and he is very nice and understanding. She eventually ended up opening up to him about everything which was nice... the only other person besides her family who she had told everything to was Leon... and that had ended soooo well. She also found out she had a little sister... who was being abused the same she had.. except she actually went to the police... After everything was all said and done somehow Aimee's da ended up adopting Victoria too. Crazy life.
              FIFTH YEAR Her fifth year was mostly spent focusing on quidditch and OWLs tho she did attempt to talk to Leon a couple times only to be glared at or yelled at which was great. She doesn't know what to d about that.
              SIXTH YEAR Thankfully Aimee's sixth year was pretty uneventful. She spent time with her friends, went to class, and won every quidditch game that year. She got her house the quidditch cup and started studying for NEWTs at the end of the year. Viktor had graduated the year before so she sent him letters periodically about school, and sent letters weekly to her little sister telling her all about school, and quidditch and everything else. She also noticed Mordred was not being as much of an annoying a*****e as he used to be... which was interesting and a good thing at least. Maybe she could finally be friends with him? She was on a path of amends and that included him... as long as he didn't act like a creep.
              SEVENTH YEAR Aimee's seventh year was pretty boring. She spent it studying and taking tests, and of course playing quidditch. That she was good at.

          POST GRADUATION Information

      xxxR E L A T I O N S H I P S xxxxxxxxxxxxx
          FAMILY Andrea Fae(nee Celia)- Mother, Michael McHalen - Father, Verily Holt - Sister, Elliryanna McHalen - Sister, Michelle - Sister, Gracie McHalen - Cousin, Aiobheal McHalen - Cousin, Kory McHalen - Nephew, Lilah Whitethorne - Niece, Lilith Whitethorne - Niece, Sawyer Holt - Niece, Victoria Fae - Sister.
          FRIENDS Ralph Hastings, Brandon Davenport, Leon McGregor, Colin Beckett, Catheryn Blake, Nicole Lovette, Kimberly Umber, Kiley Umber, Diantha Warlow, Viktor Falk, and Chelsea Van Asten
          BEST FRIEND Catheryn Blake
          CRUSH No one
          ENEMIES Andrea Fae, Jamie, Charles Fae. Derrick
          PETS Bandit the Crup

Pended By: - Weasley 10/10/15
Accepted By: ~ Dia 11/15/15
Recent Updates Accepted By: - Weasley 5/10/17