At the request of my son we went camping this weekend (for one night). Thus the lateness of my posting. We got back a few hours ago but had other obligation to take care of before I got around to this posting. On the pro's side, any time I can get out to a forest with real trees is a blessing and the lower than normal temps (73 high instead of 90+) for this time of year was also a benefit. On the con side of course was the bugs wanting to eat us alive, the dust that gets into everything and the lack of electronics in general. Since it was only one night, I decided that no cooking would be necessary which was a relief but left us with fairly limited options for lunch, dinner and breakfast. For lunch, after we arrived & set up camp, we had sandwiches. For dinner we went to Taco Bell only 25 miles away, 50 miles round trip (still not sure it was worth it). Finally breakfast was cold pop tarts. Mmm, lol. Not the best meals I've ever had but better than nothing and there was no preparing, cooking or clean up required.