Character Name: Chaidex Vuluan ((CHAY-DECKS)) ((VOO-LOO-ON))


Gender: Male

Unusual markings/makeup: a Golden crescent moon on his back which shines violently in times of desperation.

Personality: much like Terra. Friendly, caring, yet solemn. can be lead astray at times. you can trust him, but you have to earn HIS trust. likes the ladies, but stays away from perverted or sketchy atmosphere.

Weapon(s): The Void

this keyblade is a mixture of light and dark. though it can use abilities from both, like Dark Barrier, it cannot use high power attacks in a single form. instead, it uses a fusion of the two, which he calls, "Void energy".

Battle Style: quick-paced, yet high damage. Holds keyblade backhand unless forehand is necessary.

Commands: Salvation/ this version of Salvation is much lower calibur damage, and is primarily used for healing while fending off enemies for a couple seconds

Dark Aura/ again, much lower damage version of the original Dark Aura.

Chaos Rift/ Chaidex shoots a large beam of Void energy from his keyblade, which also creates a vortex causing small continuous damage. Beam: medium damage. Vortex: small continuous.

Void Edge/ Single, powerful strike of Void energy, which does simply large damage. though, Chaidex requires a bit of recoil afterwards.

Golden Shade/ similar to Salvation, but shoots 4 large bolts of darkness from the 4 basic directions, and lacks healing. also, the area from the light creates a Reflect dome around him for about 3 seconds while the attack takes place. needs recoil. Bolts: medium damage. Light: medium. Void reflect Dome: low.

Likes: having friends, technology, a good romance now and then, Pizza

Hates: pain, unnecessary fighting (besides heartless and such of course.), stubborn people.

History/bio: abandoned as a small child, he wasnt sure what to think. growing to the age of 10, his power for light grew. but with light, comes darkness. similar to Ventus's clash with Vanitas, Chaidex fought his darkness. however, the fistfight ended in a draw. as this came about, a keyblade ended the fight, giving him an inner balance. later, a Master, Haze Riven, noticed him, and took him under her wing. however, she was killed almost as soon as Chaidex was, in her eye, a master. he to this day, has no idea who or what killed her. but he swears revenge and justice.

Affiliation:human, though can be swayed.

Mastery Status: near master, though he needs a touch more training for about a year.