The Timeline of our RP follows the canon timeline, up until the end of the cannon storyline. Where there is a divergence, is where I will begin writing here, so feel free to jump to this site to catch up on everything up to 128 AG, stopping with Toph's last daughter's birth.

Year 128 AG
•Avatar Aang and the then Chief of the Northern Water Tribe become aware of a corruption in the Koi fish, originating in the spirit world, causing Aang to enter the spirit world alongside Pakkun. Aang is never seen or heard from again, never returning from the northpole.

•A contingent opposite the White Lotus begins being created with the knowledge that Avatar Aang is missing.

Year 135 AG
•The Red Lotus is officially born, with only four bending masters serving as the group. While not exactly well known, fear over their motives spreads.

•Avatar Kuraka is born to the Chief of the Northern Water tribe.

•The secretive Red Lotus makes their goals known: reuniting our world with the spirit world. However, this requires the aid of the current Avatar, who they intend to train for the cause in place of the White Lotus. Skeptical, this creates a rift in the world, splitting whole nations eventually as the group becomes mroe militant, gains funding and speed.

Year 148
•Avatar Kuraka is confirmed by a council of the White Lotus and Red Lotus together. At the age of 13, she seems both anxious and calm at the same time over this. Deliberations quickly fall apart and in a matter of days, the Northern Water Tribe becomes the sight of a battle between bending masters. In the confusion, the Avatar is able to escape with a neutral party.

Casualties of this first battle: Sokka, Iroh and Katara of the White Lotus, a large contingent of White and Red Lotus members, including three of the Red Lotus founders.

•War is officially declared between the White and Red Lotus. Fire Lord Zuko abstains from taking a side and instead uses his considerable resources to lead a search for the Avatar, being trained in Earthbending by the Master of Earth herself, Toph Beifong.

Year 151
•The Avatar masters Earthbending, but is found to be in the Earth Kingdom, where the White Lotus, now unhinged from it's positive leadership, begins tearing through the Earthkingdom to find her. Toph Beifong is killed,presumably protecting her, and sending her to the firelord.

•Avatar Kuraka begins learning firebending under the tutelage of the finest firebenders, including Zuko and his sister Azula.

Year 154
•At the completion of her firebending training, Kuraka joins in the battle for her life at 19, holding the White Lotus and Red Lotus at bay as they lay siege to the Fire Nation. Zuko and Azula are both confirmed to be casualties, but the invaders are held at bay. The only surviving child of Avatar Aang, Tenzin, eventually finds and pledges his life to teaching her to control airbending and the avatar state.

•Avatar Kuraka and Tenzin find success in her airbending teacher much faster, never staying in one place too long.

•The war comes to a halt, both sides receding from public view as public opinion begins to wane for both sides.

Year 155
•Avatar Kuraka travels north to where it began, calling the leaders of the White and Red Lotus to one final meeting, where peace will be achieved, as is her goal as the Avatar. At 20 years old, Kuraka comes into contact with the spirit world in the Avatar state, and acts as the bridge between their world and ours, effectively merging the spirit and human worlds. The event, however, is short lived, and the spirits that flood in from the spirit world turn hostile and attack, massacring both sides, proving the Red Lotus was wrong after all.

•Avatar Kuraka dies. Tenzin dies. Many master benders of the era die from both sides.

•The Red Lotus members remaining are forcibly disbanded or imprisoned.

•Airbenders begin being born once more, and some living beings across the world begin learning to Airbend.

Year 160
•Avatar Shee La is born in OmaShu

•The last spirit from the failed convergence is thought to have been brought to peace by the White Lotus.

Year 165
•The Red Lotus, in all it's secrecy, still exists, holding secret knowledge they deem too dangerous for the world. However, they begin recruiting once again, this time with a new goal.

•Avatar Shee is confirmed before the White Lotus, at a younger age than is precedented.

•Earthbending Lessons begin in Ba Sing Se's Inner Ring.

Year 170
• The Red Lotus makes it's move, attacking and destroying OmaShu in search of the Avatar. Master Raan Xen of the Flame, Master Jiyoo the Cold, Master Chen Wan the Bold and Master Si Yun Wong of the Wind claim responsibility, issuing an ultimatum that the world will give them the Avatar, or they will rend the very world itself.

Year 173
•A coup is successful, led by the Red Lotus in secret, and the Earth King is overthrown. Chen Wan takes his place, shaking up the entire Ba Sing Se aristocracy and closing the city down. The Dai Li seem to have been complacent, and ensure no one gets in or out. The City is completely sealed, with the avatar trapped within.

Present: Year 174
•A Rebellion has begun within the lower and middle rings. A resistance is formed on behalf of the Avatar, with the Avatar herself potentially leading this resistance while mastering her bending arts.


The world lost Aang to the spirit world, and his gang in a war for the new Avatar. The next avatar attempted to bring peace by uniting the spirit world and the human world only to cause more death, including her own nearly two decades later. The Red Lotus is cast out and the White Lotus is trusted once more. The next avatar is now trapped as a resurgent Red Lotus has destroyed her home city, and imprisoned her in Ba Sing Se. It is only a matter of time before the Avatar is found, and what happens next is up to the players.

The Red Lotus members not stationed in Ba Sing Se are effectively searching out the White Lotus, destroying them where they can while the White Lotus organizes a way to take the city from the Red Lotus and save the Avatar from them.