The Akatsuki Assassins Guild (Ninja Terror Organization).

<img src="" border="0" alt="Akatsuki Assassins Guild">

This guild is the clan of the Akatsuki guild off of naruto there will be sparings held and Akatsuki members get a free banner/wishlist on my shop, just request it in my shop. we will have in clan rpg training and fights as scrimages. Please feel free to join and enjoy the Akatsuki guild as the Ninja Terror Organization! Hail Itachi and sasuke. The uchiha brothers! ***ALL VIOLATERS WILL BE BANNED***

To Join and/or maintain your guild member status please post your RP info on the RP info topic. Thank you.

The Final Fantasy Fellowship Guild ( FFFG )
User Image

NO MORE WARNINGS ANYMORE, I'm tired of having people not active in this guild. Its official. I WILL start banning people to if you are inactive.

esspecually new guild members if you just come in and join and not say anything (meaning not active) then I AM going to ban you.

Donations to the guild will NOT save you this time.

Either post something once a week or leave.
its all I ask, once a week.

STARTING 10/30/06 I will ban inactive members.

Akatsuki Staff.