We Are... Team Edward
We'll live in Antarctica
Penguins. Lovely.

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Sparkle like a true vampire!

~~About us~~

Team Edward Cullen is a guild based around the standard that Jacob Black sucks. If you follow this standard, please feel free to join our humble little gathering. If you find Jacob Black even the least bit preferable, please leave now before I stick the real fans on you.

~~What we Need~

Members. Team Edward has officially gained a ton of very good banners. Now all we needs is members.


- No Edward bashing
- No pro Jacob comments
- Do not have anywhere in your join request that Edward is just hot or sexy! There are four books, I'm sure you can find another reason to love him.
- To join this guild you must have read at least one Twilight book and liked it!
- Be active and post as much as you see fit.
- Debates are okay, just don't take it too far.

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