Everyone knows the story of Naruto and the Naruto world, but what about the continent on the complete opposite side of the world?

In this world, there is no Naruto or Sasuke or any of their comrades and there are no Uchiha or Hyuuga or any bloodlines that you already know about. Here, life is very different from the life that Naruto and his friends led.

In this "New World", there are no villages, only tribes. Each tribe has their own main land to return to but do, on occasion, move around. Tribes make alliances with each other and hate each other and the balance of power is constantly shifting. These tribes are made up of Shinobi who fight almost identically to Naruto and his friends (aka: cannon jutsu are allowed as long as they are not clan specific), using jutsu, but many different jutsu.

The four tribes each worship a single Entity, one of the ten Entities. This is their accepted religion. Some of the worshiped Entities are sealed inside of host, some are not and some of the non-worshiped Entities are sealed or unsealed.

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