A new region has been recently discovered and has everyone scratching their heads in confusion, awe, and for some, disgust and fear. This new country is called the Iyou Region and the reason for the commotion it's raising is the genetics of the natives. You see they're not human like the majority of the planet's population.

They're humanoid.

These people, for centuries living by themselves and in peace, look to be a mixture of both humans and Pokémon. There are crackpot theories claiming that these people are abominations resulting from the union of humans and Pokémon but testing has proven these suppositions to be nothing more than hateful slurs.

This proof did not allay people's ignorant fears that this new species would use their abilities – indeed the natives could do the same things that Pokémon did! – to bring harm to the world at large. So a massive attempt to round up these humanoids was put into effect, forcing the populace of Iyou to follow human laws and for the most part, reside in the one identifiable city in the country and depend on outsider's "generosity" for some basic necessities.

As expected some have taken offense to this racist attempt to control them and refuse to live under the watch of paranoid humans when they've done no wrong. They defy the laws set in place and live out in the wilds or in hidden retreats as they have always done.

Scientists have not let up on their interest in studying these people and for some it's innocent curiosity while for others these individuals are nothing more than lab specimens waiting to be taken. Those are the scientists that the locals don't like – not that they like the guiltless ones much better – because they're working for Team Rocket or other terrorist organizations like them.

Evil organizations aren't the only ones interested in the Iyou Region's residents, Pokémon trainers are coming to the land as well. For humanoids, like professional athletes, have potential and trainers, as the title implies, know how to help them harness those latent gifts. The humanoids can't be captured in Pokéballs or forced to do anything they don't want to do but they can be trained just as any Pokémon can. Some natives see this as disgraceful, others as a way to learn about these new creatures, and for the ambitious as a way to personal power.