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Fashun is a guild for people who love Gaia Fashion.
We are a guild that loves the Avatar Arena, to Tektek,
and to dress our avatar in the most extraordinary pixel clothes.
Although we are kinda ‘strict’ about whom we let in Fashun,
there's no harm in trying!
And if you think it will help, include your Avatar Arena submission page
or Tektek tagged page of your Tekteks. Hope to see you around!

We are a small community but we are active and friendly.
Give us a chance. :]

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How much was the guild?
20k like every guild.
How much is it To Join Fashun?
0 gold
What do I put in my join request?
Why you want to join. Just do not leave it blank.
Can I be crew or vice captian?
If your active and friendly, just ask.
Can I donate to the guild?
Sure, but we don't really need it.
Can I help make the guild?
You can post and create topics/contests, yes.
Do I have to have good fashion to join?
Of course, at least just buy some stunning clothes. Then accepted.
What if I don't want to buy anything?
Then you don't join.
Do I have to be rich to join?
Of course not, you just have to look amazing.
What do you look at when a join request is made?
The avatar you are currently wearing. Make sure it's an awesome one.
We also check your post history.

Can I put a banner on my profile or siggy?
Of course. Spread the word.
Can I make you a banner for the guild?
Absolutely. Yes please. And thank you.
Who made your graphics?
The lovely j a r y n a did.

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