The world is darker than you know. Shadows hold secrets you never knew existed. But that's not completely true now is it? something inside you always told you it was true, but it was just doubt and fear, all irrational compared to what you know. Seems it was right. You've pierced the veil and seen the truths that lie in the darkness beyond. Those myths and legends are real. Ghosts, Spirits, Vampires, Shapeshifters, the Walking Dead and more all exist. You were just too blind to see it hiding beyond the first shadow. And another secret lies beyond the next. But no matter how many shadows you cast your light on, no matter how many truths you uncover, there will always be more. And sooner or later, the darkness will find you. It always does. What then? Will you fight it to the end and struggle to survive? Will it take you and drag you kicking and screaming into the void? Or will you welcome it? Embrace it and become one with it? You'll have to choose, you can't run forever. Not after you peer into the darkness and find it looking back.