Men and Women can join!

This group has it's own ranking system. It works like this

1-New Blood (Just joined)
2-Apprentice (Being taught about the Coven)
3-Lesser Student (Being taught about magic)
4-Graduate of Beginner's School (Mastered lesser magic)

After rank 4, you will choose an element or elements

Water and Ice
Fire and Lava
Star Magic
Mind Magic
Holy Magic
Dark Magic

5-Student of Higher School (A student. You will stay at this rank for a bit.)
6-Honored Student (A higher form of rank 5. Taught more spells)

7-Novice Spell Caster
8-Intermediate Spell Caster
9-Expert Spell Caster
The basic "army" of the coven

10-Teacher (Teaches lower ranks)

11-Junior headmaster (Only one at a time)
12-Headmaster (Me)

Higher ranks teach lower ranks spells used in RPs. A lower rank can only use a spell equal to or lesser than their rank and of their element(s). Junior headmaster and I can cast spells of all elements.