This guild is for literate roleplayers who want to enjoy the concept of traversing a multiverse. The universe is based heavily on a series of books written by Roger Zelazny. I have set it up so that this place can be used for either posting fun solo stories or private roleplays for it's members. I have set up a basic universal conflict so that players may choose to involve themselves with others whenever they chose.

The Amber stories take place in two "true" worlds Amber, and the Courts of Chaos, as well as the shadows that lie between them. These shadows, including our Earth, are parallel worlds that exist in the tension between the two true worlds of Amber and the Courts. The Courts of Chaos is situated in Shadow at the very edge of the pit of Chaos itself, a seething cauldron from which all that is or ever will be comes from. Player characters can travel freely through the shadows. By shifting between shadows, one can alter or create a new reality by choosing which elements of which shadows to keep, and which to subtract.