For thousands of years, humans lived in ignorance of the beasts and creatures of the night that lived outside their protective walls of their mind. Stories of vampires, fey, werewolves, and other mythical creatures were written books, passed down by oral traditions, always spoken of as fairytales.
Those who have thought they knew these creatures were real, or even encountered them, were considered physcos in society, sent to asylumns, or just hid from the sceptics. Little did they know, what they saw was real.
As mysterious deaths occured throughout the world, and nightly activites rose in cities, people only thought this was the new trend, to part all night in clubs, become perfect looking figures, and to eat nothing. They wish. What these people were experiencing were the creatures that had come out of hiding, the ones that were in their fairytales, stories, and whatnot. The clubs were for the night creatures, the perfect people were werewolves, the people who ate nothing were vampires.
As modern society grew around this rise in concept of these creatures, more stories were produced, mainly around the abse of vampires, creating false tales about what they were, for instance Twilight, making vampries sparkles. Well, let me tell you! Boy, were those vampire's fangs in a twist. Anyway, as modern society realized that they weren't being looked at as weirdo's and physco's, more popularity occured, which caused more of these creatures to return to society.
Now, thousands of years after the treaty that made sure that these beings would stay far away from human life, a war broke out between those who protected the treaty, those to be known as the Hunters, the ones who hunt vampires, werewolves, fey, and other beings, also got up from their lazy beds and began fighting these beings at night, when nobody could see them.
Now, these Hunters, they're a bit crazy, what with them thinking that just because they hold a treaty to these creatures, they think they're God incarnate. They aren't a friendly bunch, but neither are most of the creatures.
The creatures realized the error in their fighting ways with their other races, and treaties began amoungst them, in order to stop this group of Hunters.
But then there are the half-breeds, the full-breeds, mainly known as the innocents. They have been killed by both groups, as they don't pick sides. They just want to continue with their lives, ignored by both their own supernatural race, and the human race. These innocents too, are trying to protect themselves from this new war, and mainly live in the shadows, or at least, something close to the shadows...
Then there are the humans with the Sight. They can see what these supernatural beings truly are, and honestly, are frightened by them, but they are almost on the same side iwth the innocents, for they do not want this war also.

Now, which side will you join? The power-crazed Hunters? The supernatural creatures of the Night? The innocent beings? Or a human with the Sight?