Ladies And Gentlemen, We Proudly Present,
A Picturesque Score Of Passing Fantasy.

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Danceable beats, astounding lyrics, heavenly voices, charismatic stage energy, and sartorial style; there is no question as to why Panic! at the Disco is making girls squeal and has sold millions of copies of their albums, A Fever You Can't Sweat Out, Pretty. Odd., and Vices & Virtues. With such a unique style of music and stage show, this band has come very far and picked up fans of all ages along the way. Are you one of these fans I speak of? Whether you are still learning about the band or you have been a fan long before the release of Panic!'s first record back in September of 2005, we are glad you are at the Panic! at the Disco Fan Guild and we welcome you to join.

    To join, simply state the following:
    User Image Your favorite song.
    User Image Your favorite album.
    User Image Why you love Panic! at the Disco.
    *If you are a new fan to the band and do not
    know the band members or song titles yet, please
    state so in your request to join. New fans are
    welcomed just as much as old fans!

If you become a member of the guild, before you do anything, please read the Guild Rules in the Swear To Listen sticky, and introduce yourself in the Proper Introduction sticky. After you've done those two things, feel free to post, poll, and create threads. If you are new fan to the band and interested in finding out more about them, you are welcome to read the Band Background sticky which is entitled, Just A Wet Dream For The Webzines. The Panic! at the Disco Fan Guild also has two sub-forums. One is dedicated to discussion about your other favorite musicians, and the other is dedicated to non-related, random discussion. Have fun, and keep enjoying Panic! at the Disco.

Official Website | LiveJournal | PureVolume | MySpace | UK MySpace | Online Store | UK Online Store | Fueled By Ramen | Decaydance

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We Must Reinvent Love.