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Among the peace between the nations erupted a horrible and terrible war
that waged for years with no sight in end. Many feared that the terrible war,
the most horrible war the world had yet to see, would never be stopped, and
would only get worse as time progressed. Treaties were made in spilt blood,
then broken and trampled upon in much the same manner. The children
raised in this time did not learn how to paint and play, from when they could,
they held weapons in their hands instead of crayons and toys. The world was
lost in chaos...

One day, a desperate man could no longer take the turmoil going on in the
world. Tired of the fighting and of the people doing it, he made his way to a far
off land in order
to end it all. His intentions were war from noble; a man born of poverty,
barely a shinobi. He made his way in front of a mighty altar and summoned a
demon he wouldn't get the chance to regret. Erupting from the ground came a
literal devil within itself, Yami. The large wolf took no time in destroying the man,
devouring what was left in order to return his strength. The monstrous beast let
out a terrible roar
that turned the sky a blood red and rattle the earth, announcing to the
world that true evil had once again surfaced.

Yami took control of the tailed beasts that laid hidden and slumbering in the
land and commanded them to wreak havoc on the world. The beasts, unable to
decline, went on a rampage that lasted years. The villages stopped fighting in
order to protect themselves from the beasts that threatened to end their existence.
Along with the tailed beasts came other demons and spirits that had also been
hidden, but had been awaken by Yami's emergence. The once peaceful and beautiful
world became infected by demons, it was no longer safe.

Eventually the tidal wave of demons disappeared back in to an idle state, and the
villages found themselves in a decrepit state. Communications with other villages
had been lost, and each village was on it's own for the time being. How will your
shinobi deal with the current state of things, and will it be able to thrive and prosper
in such a dark time?