Throughout the ages, lovers have looked for ways in which they can prove to the world that their love is the real thing - a commitment that will last for eternity. From poetry to a romantic serenade, from inscribing hearts on the school desk to carving initials on a tree.

More recently, the world has seen the rise of a new and profound method of professing love and commitment. Lovers engrave their names or message onto a padlock, lock it to a fence or railing and throw away the key. The symbolism of throwing away the key is all important, representing the commitment to love, a memory that can never be unlocked.

The question is where exactly did they originate. Some say it started from Hungary. Other said it came from China. And recently France had developed a bridge to support the legendary Love Lock. But little did they know it started in an isolated island located in the middle of the pacific ocean. Only a few were able to make it here since the tides never made their way hence only these few were able to test the true powers of the Love Lock Legend. It's up to you to see if it is just another myth or a gift from the heavens to bind you love forever.

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